The Golden Ship Has Landed

Mar 24, 2007 23:44

Often times I find myself caught up in the distractions that the city has to offer. Catching the bus to work I share my space with thirty or more people. The plots of a couple hundred songs to keep my thoughts occupied for such a short trip. A book to stisfy my curiousity whenever the fancey strikes me. It's nto until I'm watching a movie when use the narritive as a mirror, and finally take a moments glance into giuding forces that have driven me this far. Often times my thoughts and feelings are set aside just so I can make it through the week without feeling overwhelmed. But with so many signifigant changes I'm finding it harder to distract my thoguths any longer, and certain words and phrases are breaking through my thick skin.

I'll be making my new home with some close frieds just off commercial drive, the move begins tomorrow morning. By monday night I will be sleeping in my new bed, in my new home. At the end of April the Richmond house will be emptied of twenty years of memories, and I recieve whatever family heirlooms are bestowed upon me.

My new job has given me a secure lifestyle for as long as I see fit. I always wanted to learn how to cook some fancey meals, now I get the opportunity. By summer I will be able to cook for you.

Soon I hope to invest more time with the friends I've been missing all this time. I can invite you over, and we can talk all night, (pot of coffee proveded.)

Until then. I have a big day tomorrow, and hopefully some more intimate posts for the future.

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