Orcas n' Dolphins and Otters oh my..

Feb 13, 2010 21:32

Yeah I don't use LJ anymore at all, but thought I'd cross-post this here from my FA anyway.

So! I went to Sea World today. It was an adventure of sorts alright. Though a place like that is a bit different when you're going by yourself. But I still had a good time. I woke up bright and early (on a saturday, GASP) and got myself ready, then walked the few blocks to the trolly/lightrail station. Then after waiting 14 minutes and am about to get on the rail, suddenly I realize I left my ticket at home. Blargh. So I walked all the way back and just drove back and left my car in the unattended public lot there. Who would wanna steal an ancient honda anyway? :P

I would have just driven my car as it's only about 12-15 minutes away, but parking is an additional $12, while a round trip for the entire day on transit is only $5. Though it took a bit over an hour to get there. No worries, I wasn't in a big hurry.

After I got there I made straight for the dolphin area (rocky point). Those who know me may know of my deep-rooted past with dolphins, those that don't; well, I've always loved dolphins. An adorable calf seemed to like me, and came right up to get some attention - he was focused on me, too, for some reason and wouldn't let anyone else touch him..the experience would have been right magical if it had been allowed to last more than a few seconds. Apparently Sea Worlds policies have changed (*sigh*) and you are not allowed to touch the dolphins ANYWHERE except on their foreheads. Which I've always made a point /not/ to touch there because their melons are quite sensitive areas. (in other words, this is sea worlds way of saying you're not allowed to touch them at all, because they generally don't LIKE being touched there.) The trainers were immediately yelling at me because I gave his chin and flipper a stroke. (And for the record, the last time I was there they were telling everyone to rub their chins for exactly the above reason) So yeah, next time I go may end up getting myself thrown out. *shrugs* I'm not going to go grabbing for their melons, thankyouverymuch.

But anyway, I had that moment with the calf, and it was beautiful..I decided to try again later in the evening (my mistake again)...they close the area MUCH earlier than they used to, so when I came back to see the dolphins again...it was already roped off. Oh well. I will probably go at least one more time since I have a year-pass. I also discovered some dolphins I know by named (long story) and thought were dead...are still alive. Gracie and Scarback and Cometta(sp?) and Beaker are still there, along with a large number of additions. Maybe next time I'll get to pick them out, I didn't have time to really figure out who was who.

Naturally I also walked around the rest of the park and saw otters and the belugas and such. Then later in the day I rode their new splashboat/coaster ride 3 times. I actually never saw an Orca - the area normally for viewing the Orca had Pilot Whales and some more dolphins in it, I think for their goofy "dine with dolphins" thing they have now. Strangely, I later found myself with a desire to have a beer from their distillery there; which is VERY weird for me, I've always generally hated/avoided most beer...but this one was pretty good, and hit the spot. Then after the long day I went back to find the dolphin area closed, so I stood outside it watching them from a distance for almost two hours before heading on home. My legs are tired.

I shall post a few pics from my trip to my FA gallery.
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