ABOUT FRIEND REQUESTS... Don't feel shy about sending them so that you'll know if I updated. This journal is here specifically for that :) If you don't feel comfortable doing that but would like to know when things pop up regardless, I did put two rss feed links on the side bar as well.
TABULA RASA MirrorA X-Men: First Class/Bourne Identity Fusion.
Pairing: Charles/Erik
Rating: Oooh probably NC-17 at some point.
CHAPTER FOUR CHAPTER FIVE Partial Updates Here------------
WHAT TIME FEARSX-Men First Class/Archeologist Adventure AU
Pairing: Charles/Erik
CHAPTER TWO Partial Updates Here-----------------
Prompts I've put up and am super duper hoping will be filled:
Robin Hood AU with Charles as Robin and Erik as Guy of Gisbourne Raven + Charles. Future Sibling Protectiveness Erik/Charles/Raven After School Nightmare AU --- 50 Fics Everyone Should Read ---
FIC RECS (Updated 10/17/11)
Not complete. At all. Way more to come.
★ = The rest are great but these are Awesome. Awesome in an easily accessible pop top can.
A Human Behavior (WIP) - Human!Charles
Guys! This fic makes courtroom dramas sexy. How is that possible?
A Spark Neglected (Complete) - Kidnap Fic
Kidnapping plus BAMF!Charles rolled all in one? Yesplz.
A Thousand Pages Give or Take a Few (WIP) - RomCom AU
Bookshop AU with all some great pacing and interactions. It's pretty much how good You've Got Mail would have been if it hadn't been so busy pimping AOL. There are a couple parts I find myself thinking of occasionally with giggles and I read this months ago. That's a good sign. Why no star? Because I fear to the deepest recesses of my soul that it's been discontinued. *prays to the Anon* HALLELUJAH!
4. ★
All The Worlds In Between (Complete) - Cynic!Charles/Dark(ish) Charles (That category is completely inadequate)
Role reversal for Erik and Charles and anything of that sort means it's awesome. The prompt itself is great but the execution just makes it wicked, wicked awesome. Read.
5. ★
Any Measure of Peace (Complete) - No!Divorce
A realistic, serious, and yet often hilarious take on what a non-divorce would have turned out like for the group and the consequences of them sticking together. It's really well done. Honestly this author in general: Aces ten.
Assassination (It's Not For Everyone) (Complete) - Killerfic
Why, oh why, do I enjoy the idea of Charles killing people? I do, and this fic tickles that particular funnybone.
The Bawd and the John (Complete) - Stripper/Rent-Boy/Escort
I think this manages to be the only stripper/rent-boy AU devoid of sex. Wait... that sounds bad. No trust me, this is great. It gets very thinky and actually handles fitting the characters into these roles very very well. Read. The only reason it's not in my starred category is because I wanted it to continue.
The benefits to dating an actor. Or not. (WIP) - RomCom AU
These types of romcom-esque fics are a total guilty pleasure but every once in a while I have to just leave my dire plotty fics behind to just indulge that giggly teenage girl in my heart. This one is an easy read and likable. Just wish there was more! C'mon authoress!
9 & 10. ★
Boden's Mate & Queen's Gambit (Complete & WIP) - Epic Fusions
It's kinda scary how well this fandom fits into Inception. Point is. This is ggrreeeaaat and should be read as quickly as possible and showered with hundreds and hundreds of comments.
11. ★
Brief Lives (WIP) - Cynic!Charles/Dark(ish) Charles
One of my favorites, mostly because it does one of my favorite things in fanfiction. It goes back in Canon's past, twists one thing, and you just kind of see how things cascade down from there. BAMF Charles is awesome, Erik is completely his awesome self, there's even some OCs in there that are handled impeccably.
Burning Bridges (WIP) - HP AU (Why yes it gets its own category)
For every fandom there is a HP crossover. This is not a bad thing at all. This fic manages to hit every one of my giggle buttons on what this type of fic should be, while throwing me for a few good loops.
By the Waters of Lethe (Complete) - I'm Here To Make You Cry
*baaawls* This is short but sweet... and sad, and also kinda thought provoking. To say more would be to spoil, just read.
14. ★
The Courtship of Francine and Mr. Lehmanbot (Complete) - Epic!AU
Epic. Win. An arranged marriage that turns a little bit right then very, very dangerous. The description on the tin doesn't even BEGIN to describe the amount of awesome that is in this shindig. Read!
Dead Man's Paradise (Complete) - Special Hell Dub/Non-Con Land
So messed up, so so messed up... but it works. Damn.
Down to Gehenna (Complete) - Epic!AU
X-Men/Silent Hill crossover? Why yes I would love one, thank you!
The Face of the World Has Changed (WIP) - I'm Here To Make You Cry
Auuuugh aaangst and really well written Charles and Erikness. Really well done, good buildup, and the angst isn't cheap like some can be.
First Breath After a Coma (Complete) - Epic!AU
It was all a dream... 'cept that plot mechanic is awesome because it's at the beginning of the fic instead of the end, don't worry, it's a bit anxiety inducing at the beginning but the resolution is worth the read.
Fade To Black (WIP) - Shaw is a creepy stalker.
Kind of a slow boil at this point but the prompt is great and everything so far is well done. If you like domesticity you get it. If you like plotty crazy Shaw fun times you get that as well. V. good.
20. ★
Geometry of Chance (Complete) - Fantasy Creature Fic!
Manic Intent, if you asked me for my soul, I'd probably give it to you, your fics are THAT good. Consistently. This one is no different. We have Incubus!Charles who is... strangely both idealistic and cynical at the same time. It's kinda amazing. Then we have Erik fawning over him without realizing he'll probably get killed if he ever succeeds. Now with 50% more road trip!
Ghost (Complete) - Cynic!Charles/Dark(ish) Charles
Very eerie, very dark, very good, and (unfortunately) very short, but it's still worth the read.
22. ★
Heroes for Ghosts/Charles' Killer (WIP) - Killer!Fic
Not gonna lie. Might be my favorite X-fic ever. It's always so damn hard to put them in ranks but this one always turns out around the top. That said, it's totes a serial killer thing but do not let that stop you.
22. 23. 24. & 25.
The King's Gambit,
From Here You Can Almost See the Sea,
The Last Train Home, &
Shelter (Complete, Complete, WIP, & WIP) No!Divorce?
Not slash, if that's a requirement for you. You'd be missing out, though. This fic is wonderful, truly so, also there's Deadpool and Gambit running about and being their awesome selves. Basically this is non linear look at these two having a semi-divorce but getting their act together to stop y'know... bad stuff. Man I make this sound lame. It's not! Really! Go back to the first sentence! Gambit and Deadpool! How is that even possibly lame in the slightest?
Let Them Talk (Complete) - D/s or Alpha/Omega
What's this? A non Erik/Charles fic?! That's right, Charles/Logan. There's a little clip of prompt that's also very good on the kinkmeme (you can the link within this other link. It's a link Turducken.) that you will need to read to make sense. This is a D/s fic where Charles gets Imprinted on Erik and, because he's a lowly hoomin and Erik is being an asshole, the relationship is more than a bit abusive. So Logan sweeps in and yoinks himself a Charles. Just read it!
Limited Release (Complete) - Epic!AU
Semi-White Collar-ness which is good enough but then it just gets... awesomer due a lot to the humor, mutant political intrigue, and which character gets cast where. I.E. Alex = Neal. Hank = Moz. Raven = Diana. Erik = Peter. Charles = Elle. Shaw = Nazi U-boat? (Does that make Emma the music box?)
Linger (Complete) - Epic!AU
Ghost AU!... That's all I can say without spoiling things. Just... trust me. Okay I can say one more thing. Government!Erik is awesome for somereason.
29. ★
Not Half As Blinding (Complete) ... let's just say Epic!AU so I don't spoil things, m'kay?
Spoilers! Charles dies. Sort of. It's heartwarming and great and yet again... you're going ot have to just trust me.
30. ★
Nine Eleven Ten (WIP) - EPIC!(Dark)AU that is making googly eyes at Special Hell Land.
Epic. Just. Epic. The original prompt was a Beauty and the Beast shindig but this is so. much. more. Dystopian yet believable, well thought out, and well researched. Yes.
Of Needles (Complete) - D/s or Alpha/Omega
A rather tragic D/s setup. Basically as usual, destiny (the cosmic force not the mutant or a miscellaneous stripper) says one thing and Shaw decides to mess it up so the boys are convinced each other are dead for the majority of their lives. They find each other, clingy fluff ensues.
Our House In the Middle of Our Street (Complete) - RomCom AU
Probably one of the finest non-powered AUs it's adorable in all the right ways and juggles character interactions quite deftly without being TOO RomCom formula. It's just the right amount. :3
Peregrine (Complete) - ... I don't know...
A deceptively simple wing!kink prompt turned into something very, very sweet. I'm excited to see what might come out of this one. (I just noticed I had this titled wrong for MONTHS. Bad mint.)
Possible Worlds (Complete) - Fix it Fic
Very tense, and very believable sort of, kind of fix it fic... sort of. Trust me, shit goes down and it's tragic and wonderful and you need to know about it.
Rescue Run (WIP) - Kidnap Fic
Some good old H/C! Charles and team get yoinked by the government, Erik does not like this. Despite the WIP category it's really kind of formatted like a bunch of oneshots so it feels complete, regardless of the ? at the end of the chapter numbers.
Saving Face (Complete) - Student/Teacher
A realistic and really very intense approach to a Student/Teacher relationship that solidly ducks the creepy factor right into the land of smoking hot flashbacks.
Shatter Proof (Complete) - I'm Here To Make You Cry (and then make you better)
A very tenderhearted and very smart look at the fallout of domestic abuse between Charles and Shaw and how that effects Charles's next relationship with a very cuddly Erik. Plus. Alive!Edie. She's adorable. Why do we not have more alive!Edie?
38. & 39. ★
Skin Deep & In Escrow (Complete) - Fantasy Creature Fic!
Werewolf AU at it s ABSOLUTE finest. Not just that, it's pretty much fic at it's finest. This fic and it sequel regularly battle it out for my absolute favorite fic spot with a very slim handful of others. Plus the sequel manages to be the only fic in existence that hasn't turned me off for Mpreg because... well, it makes sense they way it's done. READ.
The Taste of Wine After Ambrosia (Complete) - Historical/Mythology
Fairly new addition the fandom but a very promising one using the myth of Ganymede with Ganymede!Charles, Zeus!Shaw, and pissed off mortal boyfriend Erik. Yuuuus.
Thirty Pushes. Two Breaths. (Complete) - I'm Here To Make You Cry
A lovely little one shot with wording so good you feel like you have hypothermia.
42. ★
Three Types of Learning (Complete) - EPIC!AU
Charles and Erik take over the world (or a part of it) and it's awesome. This authoress. Adore her. Adooore.
43. ★
Utopia (WIP) - Special Hell Dub/Non-Con Land
This is a whopping industrial can of UST flavored awesomesauce. Future fic where Erik "wins" and Charles ends up locked up away where he can't get in Erik's way or (of arguably equal or more importance) can't get hurt. Messed up relationship ensues.
Vita Supernaturalis (Complete) - Epic!AU
X/Supernatural fusion shindig. Darn those pesky yellow eyed demons harassing all of our protagonists. This one's a bit dark but oddly endearing about it.
Wages (Complete) - Historical/Mythology
Oh so so questionably moral, but so awesome. Regency AU where Charles loses a very sexy bet. I imagine you can fill in the blanks from there. Oh wait, but there's more: Plot! And stuff! Mostly sexy bet losing though.
Waiting Games (Complete) - Kidnap Fic
This authoress is the master of making things that are really messed up seem romantic. Thus it makes sense she wrote the best Shaw Captures Shaw fic o' the bunch.
The Weight of Water (Complete) - OT3
A good ol' OT3 fic between Erik, Charles and Raven. I'm not usually for OT3 type stuff as, more often than not, people have a favorite two and the third party gets ignored after a point but this accomplishes the task beautifully and believably.
What Big Brothers Are For (WIP) - Wanted Crossover (in this fandom, this deserves its own category)
I am suuuch a sucker for a good Wanted crossover. Not gonna lie.
Worth the Wait (Complete) - Sorta!Incest
I am a big Raven fan and she does not get enough love, in any sense. This fic solves this problem via Charles. It's realistic, a bit thinky in all he right ways, oh, and of course, hot. See. This is why my mother isn't allowed to find this LJ.
You've Got To Lose Inhibition (WIP) - D/s or Alpha/Omega
A D/s fic that doesn't make Charles a total clingy, unopinionated wimp (granted I've also seen true!subish Charles done well: see Needles). I appreciate this v. v. much. Tis why it's my favorite of the genre.
--- 43 (and counting) More Fics Everyone Should Read---
MORE! (As of 11/2/11)
All these shall be broken off into their own post, categorized, ordered, and reupped on the comm when I have a sizeable enough amount to matter.
A Hundred Visions and Revisions (Complete)
Ad Aspera (WIP)
An Accident of Circumstance (Complete)
An Ideal Grace & Love's Own Crown (Complete & WIP)
And Then We Are Beyond The End (WIP)
Apocalypse: Charles' Choice (Complete)
Ascending To the Stars (Complete)
At the End of the Night and All We Want is More (Complete)
Beloved of Ravens (Complete)
Bifurcation (Complete)
But It Beats Getting a Real Job (WIP)
Casualties of War (Complete)
Drove Through Ghosts To Get Here (Complete)
Ghosts In the Machine (WIP)
Go Ask Alice (WIP)
Good Boys (Complete)
Homeward Bound (Complete)
Hospitality &
Charity (Complete & WIP)
I'll See Your Heart (and I'll Raise You Mine) (Complete)
Incy Wincy Spider (WIP)
Keys and Cages (WIP)
The Law of the Universe (Complete)
Make a List of Everything That's Ever Been on Fire (Complete)
Nation Building and Other Diplomatic Negotiations (WIP)
No Yesterdays On The Road (Complete)
Our Hearts Won't Rust (Complete)
The Proper Care of Actors (WIP)
Sex Kitten (WIP)
Souvenir (Complete)
South of the Border (Complete)
Take My Hand (And Take My Whole Life Too) (WIP)
Tesselation (Complete)
They Put Nails In Our Brain, Love (Complete)
The Free Hugs AU (Complete)
Three Kinds of Learning & The Stuff National Anthems are Made Of (Complete & Complete)
Till Human Voices Wake Us And We Drown (WIP)
Unbound (WIP)
Untitled Drabble (Complete)
We Met At the Park (Complete)
You Bring Me Right Back Down To The Promised Land (Complete)
Your Good Side Is So Worth Knowing (Complete)