Aug 26, 2005 10:05
I have a WAY too overactive imagination, apparently.
The big ol' coffee percolator pot on the counter somewhere behind me is making these little high-pitched sigh/moan "oooh" noises, with a background sound of water plop-whooshing. I'm sure that's the sound it usually makes, but...
I can think of nothing but public bathrooms! And what you'd rather NOT hear in the stall next to you.
I'm still looking forward to some coffee, though. Work sucks, especially with the Thomas event coming up yet again. Only 8,000 more tickets left to sell! At least we're ahead this year.
And, I am SO hating the phone company right now. I've been in my new apartment over a week now and still no phone line. I called it in nearly two weeks ago and they've screwed me over twice. Now I have to wait till Tuesday to have a phone/internet at home. Lovely. I feel like I'm missing so much, even though the comics I check will still be there, etc. Can't play NWN! And, even though I just lurk on KC mostly, I like to keep up with what's happening. Ah well.
Have my blue belt test today. Not looking forward to it. So many people, urrrgh. Even though I know my stuff considering I've been a purple belt for, like, half a year or more.
Coffee machine's stopped moaning, now. I guess it's been (ful)filled...? *ba-dum-ching!* Thank you, thank you, I'll be here... *checks clock* seven more hours. *sigh*