Letters from the Ignorant

Sep 20, 2004 14:19

Published September 17, 2004

It's not 'anti-gay'

I was reading an article concerning Measure 36, which called the measure "anti-gay." However, Measure 36 in its language, its presentation and its final outcome is totally pro-marriage.

Its whole purpose is to permanently affirm that marriage is the union of one man and one woman. Natural law, state law and federal law clearly state that marriage is between one man and one woman. This clear understanding has now been challenged in Oregon - not by the U.S government, Gov. Ted Kulongoski, or the state Legislature. Instead, the challenge comes from the Multnomah County commissioners and an activist judge.

The California Supreme Court has already struck down the same action taken by a California county official and an activist judge. The court found their actions outside the bounds of their jurisdiction; therefore the action was rescinded.

Because of this assault on marriage by "would-be" authorities and activist judges, 40 states have already done what the intent of Measure 36 would do in our state. Measure 36 will amend our state constitution to affirm that marriage is between one man and one woman.

This is not anti-gay. There is no hatred or venom, but merely an attempt to affirm and defend what has always been true in all cultures, societies, nations, races and in all eras.

To say Measure 36 is anti-gay is either being uninformed or an attempt to politically frame the issue.

Jim Barr

Pastor Glad Tidings Worship Centre

Klamath Falls
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