Decorating update

Dec 08, 2008 07:26

I know you're all on the edge of your seats wanting to know what's been happening.

Well, after 3 nights of hard work the wallpaper all came off and everything got covered in dust. As a result both Sharon and I are ill and still feeling crap.

Parents came over yesterday and wallpaper was put up. Looks great, but some unexplicable black patches came through after about 30 minutes which looked awful. We tried different methods of putting the paper up, but they all lead to these patches. We decided we'd have to paint over the wallpaper to get rid of them. Thankfully this morning the patches have all gone, god knows what they were, but clearly they've dried out of something.

Next saturday is flooring day, so we'll get laminate flooring put down by the parentals. Also our lovely plush new sofa(bed) is arriving, so come Sunday we'll actually have a beautiful front room! Only the hallway and bathroom to do and then we've decorated the whole place.
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