Random stuff meme.

Jun 23, 2006 04:02

Completely random list of stuff because I'm topped today.

- Likes to sleep late.

- He thinks that he is physically stronger than most campers.

- Dislikes fighting, so doesn't particularly care about it.

- Would go home without a second thought if he could.

- In some level still expects humans to be afraid or wary of him, and is gladly surprised when they aren't.

- Thinks he deserves to be shuned for having betrayed his best friend.

- Well-being of his family > well-being of his people > his well-being. Which doesn't mean he doesn't look after himself, because he does. He needs to be well in order to look after everyone else.

- Likes to look good.

- Off-screen he can usually be found lying in some random clearing watching the sky, or walking from point A to point B talking to himself.

- Is a terrible liar, but a decent actor. Meaning he can't say convincingly that he didn't eat the last cookie, but he can smile when he feels like shit.

- If there were no moogles, and if given the time to think before acting, he wouldn't risk his life to save a stranger.

- Acting impulsively, however, he'd throw himself into a lava pit for a puppy.

- Can go from brat to leader very easily.

- The flirting is not something he does consciously most of the time.

- When he does it consciously, he doesn't actually expect to get anywhere.

- He doesn't mind about what he can't see and tends not to judge people for their past actions.

- When he gets angry at someone in particular, his anger is directed exclusively at that someone.

- In general, has more respect for human females than for males.

- Smokes when he's stressed or nervous.

- Smokes a lot.

- Tends to be dominant, but doesn't mind being topped.

- Sometimes he still has trouble believing that he has a son.

- He doesn't grade love, is not "I love A more than I love B", it's "I love A and B in different ways" and he doesn't compare one kind to other.

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