Happy Whelpdays!!

Dec 12, 2005 09:05

Happy Whelpday Wishes go out to these friends!

**blazerraccoon!!** Tuesday, December 13!
**plushielove!!** Wednesday, December 14!
**flanowa!!** Thursday, December 15!
**exile17!!** Saturday, December 17!
and my lil brodder,
**tfbaxxter!!** Sunday, December 18!

*Foxie Huggles*

Here's my special wish to each of you that your whelpday find you surrounded by good friends who fill you with such warmth and happiness to last you the whole year through!

May good health and prosperity be with you through this year and those that follow!


Swift Fox

Disclaimer: If you have the toggle in your LJ settings set to "hide your birthday" then you're likely to be passed up when it comes time for me to wish you a happy whelpday.

whelpdays, friends

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