Almost forgot to do this

Feb 17, 2010 23:23

Don't usually do this kind of stuff but for whatever reason it sounded fun.

1. Reply to this meme and I will give you five words that remind me of you.
2. Then post them in your journal and explain what they mean to you.

Wolfie's picks were *insert dramatic music here*:

Mop - Easy enough. That word right there explains why I'm 'Swiffer' Cid. Actually no it doesn't but that's okay! It all started at CCC 2006 (I think it was 2006, possibly 2005). So my then roomie Raccoon Boy, who's an awesome roommate btw, and I were told about the con and decided if we were going to make that trip we would at least try on making costumes. I had just heard of/seen FF7 Advent Children, and seeing sweet ass detailed 3D Cid Highwind reminded me of why I love that character so fucking much. I had gotten Loz's costume from the movie for that con and decided why the hell not I'm going as Cid too, but I liked the video game costume better so I went with that. To top it off Raccoon Boy had started watching and reading the Naruto(tard) series so for shits and giggles I decided to go as Sexy No Jitsu Cid. Actually, Sexy No Jitsu Cid I'm pretty sure was almost going to be my nickname, but because I was going as Cid who has a weapon that's a mop in the game and because I, for whatever reason, take no offensive to those dumb "Because she's a woman" Jokes I decided that since I'm a woman I should get a mop instead of make any of the javelin weapons he has. Unfortunetly though, I didn't own a mop so Raccoon Boy and I were like "we'll just go buy" until I realized that it'd probably be a hell of a lot funnier to carry around my swiffer mop instead. So I should up to the con as Sexy No Jitsu Cid with my swiffer and met a few other Cid cosplayers, and of course got to see my new/still getting to know RBG buddies (who have become my closest friends since then). The entire weekend all I heard was "There's Cid and Mop Cid and MC Cid and Swiffer Cid!" MC Cid hosted the cosplay contest and even made sure to tell the audience how cute that 'girl cid' was lol. Yup. By the end of the weekend my costume (which ended up being a hell of a lot popular than I thought it was going to be) caused the entire convention to nickname me Swiffer Cid. And I have to throw out there that because of the swiffer mop Cid costume I not only met Teej for the first time,(who was 'a friendly guy' lol) but I also got to know Jeaney better who is now one of my best/can't live without friends. In the end what the term 'mop' means to me is Jeaney. And I mean that in a loving way.

Zombies - 8D I love this word. So if you don't know by now I am in love with the horror genre, namely zombies in damn near anything. My first intro into the realm of zombies and what got me started on my horror anything kick was the ever so classic Resident Evil for playstation 1 (which I found on ebay for like $5 two years ago (heart) my life!) I fucking loved that game, especially since, even with it's poor graphic/voice acting/camera angles, it's still the scariest of all the RE series. The original RE game, not our gamecube redone Director's Cut, is the only RE game that I've seen make people jump and freak out, even after playing the other games. So this comes back to cosplay for a moment because I decided that I really wanted to cosplay Jill so I went with her original costume (no one survives a zombie attack in a tube top and mini skirt I DON'TCARE HOW AWESOME YOU ARE). Well that only lead me further down the path of the world of zombies. I created my ever so lovely Umbrella Lab Tech zombie costume (it's so much fun to paint yourself green!) and literally take the time to practice and research creating flesh wounds so I can make myself or someone else look realistic as though they've been injured and died. . . . . it's kinda sick when I really think about it but it's what I do. And it gets better! I currently live close to a place called B&ttelle which I discovered, after some paranoid influenced research, is literally a real life Umbrella Coorporation, and I live 5 minutes from the fucking place! Normally I don't fall into these traps; ghosts? Love em! Don't think they're possible. Yeti? I wish! But no. Aliens FUCKING BACTERIA ON OTHER PLANETS is the only thing I could believe to be aliens. Satan? I don't believe in Heaven and those above so why would I believe in Hell and those below? Fuck Vampires, fuck werewolves, fuck Swamp Thing - I don't care, it isn't real. But I do love the creep factor, that's why I'm drawn to it. I love being creeped out (though it's rare T__T) by this stuff because I love what twisted things people come up with. However, like I said, I did fall into one trap; zombies. I'm damn near convinced thanks to our real life Umbrella that the world will end in zombies. Doctors bring people back from the dead everyday - it's called resecitation. There are tribes that have a poison they use to make people mindless and stuck, even if for just a short period of time, in a zombie like state. I've become so infatuated with zombies that I write about them almost everyday (my playfest thing? I'm trying to write a zombie play for it). I already havea script done and one started with a possible musical about zombies being next on the list, I started writing a book about them which I'm planning on writing a screen play for, I day dream about them, for just a short month in my life I had 'nightmares' (haven't had any nightmares before or since, so sad T__T) about zombies and after dreaming about how I'll be destroyed by them all I can think is what a great movie scene that would be, I stocked up on can goods and have started investing in can openers (one is missing btw and it bothers me), I've planned out what I'm wearing to the point of how short I'm cutting my hair so they can't grab it and get me, I've got my neccessities already together so I can grab them and get out when I need to, I had to keep someone's home made sign for a con panel just because it has the word zombie on it, I watch all the movies, even the really bad ones, my Uncle gave me his 4th in the series Zombies! board game when he saw how much I loved it and was interested in playing it. And that's literally like half of it. I'm fucking obsessed! I only started going to the gym because I saw the importance of building up my running speed because of zombies  the gym and my sister asked me how I liked going there and what keep me going and I flat out told them that! I couldn't even lie about it! DX

Twin - 8D Wolfie and I get mixed up from time to time by other people (not so much anymore :( though) so our good olde friends decided that we must be twins lol XD Wolfie you're forever my long lost twin! Even if that little girl from Orphan looks more like my twin/clone than my own family members do! We're going to be better twins than Zo and Ra! DX I miss you Wolfie. And Cloud too )X

Goggles - Blame my Cid cosplaying for this. Because apart from the zombies I've become addicted to goggles. I have WAY too many and was so excited that I managed to find a pair I don't have at Ohayocon that I bought Andraia Towers a pair too so she could bask in the glory of them with me. I've started the habit of buying one pair at every con I go to. It's the only thing I'll buy in the dealer's room and I have way too many now . . . . or not enough! Lol my count is up to like 10 or 11 I think. Need more! Plus goggles are hot and you know it!
**The official count is I've gotten 3 pairs for other people and I own 11 total. And if anyone knows were I can get Night Vision Goggles for less than $150 and/or Dr. Horrible's goggles that'd be awesome.

Theatre - My reason for finding so many different ways of writing about zombies. I've been acting since high school, and oddly enough it wasn't what I wanted to do when I grew up. I wanted to be a surgeon when I was in grade school. Taught myself how to so by playing surgeon on my stuffed animals. But by the time I started my second year of high school I had decided that I was going to be a teacher and knowing how shy I was I didn't think I would ever be able to stand in front of a class and lecture. I decided to fix this by signing up for a theatre class. My assumption was that I'd still be shy but they were sure to make me get up in speak in front of the class so I valued that as a way to help me. It ended up doing more for me than I thought it would. Our first day of class we were told we had to be prepared to perform a piece of our choice for the class in one week. WAY sooner than I thought they would make me do that but I remember every detail of it still, even when for weeks after I had teachers from other classes stopping me in the hallways to talk about how they wished they could have seen what I did. (It could take a while to tell it all so I'm not going to lol) Literally that day I performed for the first time was the day I decided I wanted to be an actress. I don't care if I'm never famous either, it's just a whole other world onstage that I don't think I can live without. And of course I went to college for Theatre (Mom and Dad weren't about to argue me out of it) and the good thing about that is colleges make their students take part in other aspects of the stage, ie costuming, props, stage hand, managing, etc. Learning about every aspect of the stage caused me to find that I enjoy writing and directing as much as I enjoy acting. I get to be different people, I get to live in different times and in different places. That's not something any other field can give me. Nothing else holds a candle to it. And thanks to A&G Ohio and RBG I get to perform and entertain every year. I'm always doing something from this field. I've even decided that should I ever find myself engaged I have to be married in a theatre on its main stage. I'm not like most women and girls who have planned and dreamed about their wedding because I'm flat out not even trying to date anyone let alone marry someone but fuck if I get engaged and he refuses to get married onstage he can find a new partner cause he's gone. I'm not even kidding, I'm pretty sure I'd break off an engagement over it lol. But you all knew I had issues already : ) 
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