Yesterday was AMAZING

May 03, 2008 13:05

Oh man so b-day report! Whoot! I had so much fun yesterday. I wish I could go through it again. So the time right now is 1:07pm, I'm eating left over cake, Andraia and David are on their way over, and Colleen, Jeanemon, and Joe are all passed out. I'm going to throw this out there now, I'm going to feel a little weird about posting on the "Birthday Loot" cause I didn't expect anything that I got nor do I like recieving gifts that much because I always get down if I can't return the gesture, but I love everything I got. It all meant so much to me and having so many come over to spend the day/evening with me I think was the highlight of yesterday. ^__^ And thank you everyone who sent me good birthday wishes, that made my day that much better.

So on to the birthday! Starting with thursday evening XD

Andraia spent the night thursday night with me. She took me to campus so we could meet up with Gary because he supposedly had something for me and she was going to stay and play ultimate freesbie. So Gary came with a b-day present for me, and I have to say it was pretty amazing and it tastes great. He made me a blueberry pie, every bit of it from scratch. IT IS AMAZING!! Blueberry pie isn't on the top of my pie list, but damnit that pie is good. And he is the first person to give me food as a gift! Like real, homemade food! WIN! So I got to try the pie while I was at home cleaning up and getting ready for friday. I got calls at midnight and Andraia beat me with a pillow so I used the arguement that technically it wasn't my birthday until 10:28am which is the time I was born. XD Yeah that went over great. We got up early because my mom and sis were coming over, (Steph got me a cake that had "Happy Birthday Bitch" on it XD;; It was awesome! And I got a present from Andraia, (don't remember if it was before or after Mom and Steph arrived), but she gave me a flask! OMG I love it!! **Okay, note right now that literally everything I got made me go all jawdropped and in awe** So anywho, Andraia, Steph, Mom and I all went out for breakfest. And Mom and Steph took a long way to get to the resturant and Andraia and I went the short route. On the way there we were both like "wth did they go the long way? XD They're so going to beat us" We joked the whole time that my mom was just going to come flying out of nowhere and when we got there we walk in and they are like already getting the table. O__O;; Mom drives really fast and Andraia and I want her around when the zombies come so we can literally get the fuck out of there. XD And during breakfest fucking 10:28 hits and Andraia shoves me into the wall with birthday wishes. XD There just was no escaping it. So after breakfest I went back to the apartment with Mom and Steph, (Andraia went to class). We pulled into the parking lot and we see this car with someone's arm pressed against the back window. XD We were all like "Oh god I hope that arm is still attached to a body." Steph and I were joking about it as we walked into the building and out of nowhere I hear "WAY TO BE ASLEEP LAST NIGHT SWIFFER" XD So that arm belonged to Joe apparently, and apparently he slept in his car last night when he got here around 3am. Andraia said he was going to try and be here around 4:30 but we thought that would be pm and not am XD;; WAY TO NOT KNOCK ON THE DOOR SO YOU WOULDN'T HAVE TO SLEEP IN YOUR CAR JOE.

Mom and Steph didn't stay long so Joe and I hung out until Andraia o hai gaiz. ;3 came back to the apartment. We played video games for a bit until we decided to run off to the bookstore. My name is Amy and I'm a bitch-face!! XD DAMNIT PEOPLE KEEP INTERUPTING!! XD;; ANYWHO I got a tarot deck. I bought it for one AMAZING reason, and one only. It has a Cthulu card. A FRICKIN' CTHULU CARD!! XD It's great. Joe gave me a Steven Colbert bag which I promptly added glow in the dark paint to when we got back. Bookstore finds FTW. XD So the three of us hung out waiting for people to come. Joe and Andraia decided to go do a booze run while I waited for people to arrive and just before they left Jeanemon showed up. XD We fucking clobbered her. I almost started crying when I saw her because it had been so long. ^__^ And I got to keep her for the night! Whoot! XD Jeanemon and I waited for others to arrive, which David came shortly and we debated running off to target when we got tired of waiting. XD Joe and Andraia came back with Seth and Tellumore Dew! XD I'mma marry Mr. Dew someday, unless my liver finds me a better suiter. Kali and Baka didn't show up too much later. Part of this get together was actually to throw Kali a mini "Kali is Awesome" party, complete with her favorite cake, (Which Andraia and I had to fight David off of XD). That went over well ^__^ I think she really liked it. We stood around and chattered, (David gave me a beat stick XD Just like what Reno uses. Oh god was I happy. XD;; I was so suprised I couldn't talk, and then I tried talking Seth and Joe into getting wasted and letting me beat them. Alas, that was a no go XD) until I was like "NEED FOOD" XD And we set off for Mac's, which is one hell of a scottish pub. It took us a fucking hour to find a parking place. XD When we walked to the pub we found Colleen waiting outside. Win! Party is complete! XD We got two tables in the front and made ourselves comfy and at some point Seth looks up and is like "O__O Those people just brought a baby into a bar" I for one would have left the baby at home with a sitter, but it wasn't my baby and I was well buzzed by the time they walked in. That place makes good drinks. ^__^ Seth bought me my first drink, XD Jeanemon got the second, I paid for one and the four uhh went on someone's bill, no clue whose XD;;, and Colleen got me like three shots. OMG Colleen gave me the special edition of Sweeney Todd AND a bottle of Crown Royal. XD We took alcohol to the fucking bar. So dinner consisted of a tuna melt sandwich, a scotch egg (that's a hard boiled egg wrapped in sausage, it is VERY good), shots of Crown and many glasses of vodka and cranberry juice. I was fucking gone XD;;

Colleen and I kept pulling TJ's, we would shove our faces in each other's chest, I shoved my face in Seth's chest like 3 or so times, and Colleen and I pretended to make out XD for no good reason at all. At some point Andraia decided to try and throw french fries in my mouth, which didn't work but what did work was throwing the fries in my shirt. XD;; There were so many fries in my shirt that at one point I freaked out because umm, something felt weird in there and leave it to me to momentarily forget about the fries. Awesome. XD We had a lot of fun at the bar and I left after ordering my last drink to go to the restroom and when I came back I found not only my drink waiting for me, but a double shot of something from the pub as a b-day present! WIN! OMG it smelled like christmas. I think it was two alcohols mixed together and it smelled so good that Seth and Jeaney went and got one each and we took the shot together. The bar tender said it was called a Starry Night and damnit it tasted awesome.

After dinner was over we walked out of the bar, I may or may not have been stumbling, and Colleen and I set off for her car. I gave Andraia all of my things, (purse, keys, presents) and went off with Colleen to get a mixer for when we got home. Joe tagged along because apparently some dude started following us XD;; Hojeeze on that, but it was good to have a second person with me because I really needed the help for walking. XD And we totally went to the ghetto Krogers. Some lady in there was like ">.> Yeah you three are having a good night aren't ya?" XD Hell yes we are lady. We found her later in the store and she ranted about the price of eggs to us for like 15 minutes and whined about how her and her son couldn't afford the cost of food. My first thought was from when I had to live off of ramen and cheap mac and cheese for like two months because I couldn't afford food. No sympathy from me whatsoever. We booked it out of there as soon as she started to walk away. XD And Colleen missed the road we needed to get back. That was awesome. Oh man we got there and things just got better. Everyone hung out for a bit. I tried playing tetris but I was so gone that I just fucking passed the controlling and was like "There's just no way man, I can't do this!" XD;; That was pretty sweet. Then Everyone sang to me and Andraia tried to give me a piece of cake. I took one look at it, said no thank you and shortly after went straight to the bathroom to vomit my mostly liquid dinner. AWESOME. I haven't been that drunk in a long time. XD And I realized the last time I threw up after drinking was something like 3 or 4 years ago when I had vodka and twizzlers. XD;; Vodka doesnt' mix well with things, things like candy and tuna. XD Leson learned! That's why I drink whiskey. I get drunk and don't get sick. Colleen and Andraia are amazing. They totally held my hair for me. I didn't get too sick, XD which would have been better if I had been like projectile vomiting. I told them to give me my mouth wash and Colleen helped me brush my teeth. That's true friendship on their part. XD I had a panic attack today though when I thought about it and couldn't remember spitting the mouth wash out. So here's hoping I didn't drink it! XD

I passed out shortly after that, Jeanemon followed and Colleen stumbled in and jumped in between us. So last night I got up to use the restroom, and still drunk I somehow managed to grab blanket off of Colleen and Jeanemon and stumbled back into the bathroom and passed out in the bath tub. Thank the gods that Jeanemon was the one who found me, because Colleen would have
coleen would've set the water on her or something. But I'm awesome like that, so I didn't. :3 And then I woke everyone up at six in the morning. Yay! =D XD See? Jeaney is awesome like that! I woke up in the tub to find my bra on the floor with a missing strap and clothes on that I didn't wear to the pub. XD And I found the missing strap still in my dress . . . . . Great night I say XD Especially since when I woke up at like 7am I was still drunk. XD And went with Jeaney to get breakfest. When we got back we decided that it'd be a good idea to jump on Joe. And it was! XD he was too tired to retalliate! Yeah so he bitched about his 6am wake up call all morning. XD And I snuck off and went back to bed, and Jeaney followed shortly and soon after I heard "Is Swiffer fucking asleep?!" XD And then shortly after that he came in to sleep. XD Jeaney went out into the main room with Colleen and I was out. I woke up not too long ago to find Joe passed out in my bed, and I went out to see what Jeaney and Colleen were doing, XD and they were passed out on the couch. This weekend was AWESOME. XD


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