Mar 11, 2008 20:08
DAMNIT ALL TO HELL WHY!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!?!?! ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >__<;;;;;;
T__T Yeah so I just found out I can't do the zombie walk this year. T__T They're having it on the same day as my brother's wedding, which I guess has to be the one I attend to that day. T__T Would I skip out a wedding for the chance to run from zombies? Hell fucking yes I would. Zombies aren't going to spend the day asking and wishing that I had brought a boyfriend with me. >.<;; Cause that's irritating as hell.
And it's no longer just my parents who are like "When are you going to get a boyfriend??", now my siblings are in on it too. >.>;; My brother is like "You don't have one yet?" No, no I don't. And I don't need one, or want one, and I really don't want my sister to try and give out my number again. >__< Because that waiter was NOT flirting with me. >__O I think. But that doesn't matter! If I want a boyfriend, or a relationship I will go and get one myself. I do not need help! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . okay I might need help but that's ONLY if I want one. T__T Being single isn't bad, it really isn't. And there's no drama . . . . . . . err . . . . . well maybe there is so why bother with dating if it's just going to make said drama worse? See? I'm good!
XD It's like all of those movies and sitcoms where the 30 year old woman has to deal with people pointing out her not being able to get a date has come to life for me, and I'm not even that old! XD Dear family, I swear you do not need to see me with a boyfriend because I'm pretty sure it's not going to be a comfort to you or change the way you live. Love, me.
. . . . >.>;; Maybe there's a comfort issue the family is having now . . . . The youngest daughter living alone in the city, maybe they worry that much and would feel better if they thought I had someone in my life to "protect" me . . . . . >__> I need to convince them that I really am fine. XD I really do.
Awesome so the whole point of this is that I really wanted the out running zombies practice for when Battelle takes over. X3