drunk a la mau mau bar..

May 31, 2005 19:51

last nigth went to the mau mau bar for the gig for silverleys mum, started out not really feeling like going, lucy came to mine and off we went, loads of camdeners there and slags are us people and ex people, nopetra or sabs, traitors, you missed a surpisingly good night.. spent along time talking to ema who goes to camdena nd her mate, who luc fancied, and after too many drinks silverley played she was amazing, it was so moving, even if that was down to way too much alcohol for a monday nigh when i said i wouldnt go out in the exams (this has not been working)

then watched a random old man sing about how sexy he was as he declared 'im horny' and some random dj people, its so nice in there tho all buzzing, cool disco ball, ikle stage, lots of portobello people there, skaters for mw etc. then the 3rd fastest rapper in 1993, started talking to random guy from sussex and friends and got way to excited about skinny drummer of my drug hell whose yellow tshirt matched is drums!!! the sussex friend asked me back to there flat, so i escaped, at the end of night, a la silverley..

today mikey has gone to brighton.. :( i saw him, and did minimal revision..
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