Oct 18, 2009 23:49

Posting the new challenge tonight instead of winners for a couple reasons: 1) It's late and I need to go to bed soon, but I really don't want to knock us off our schedule. 2) I need to also make banners for you guys for Challenge #98, and I don't wish them to be so delayed as they were last time. That's not fair to you folks, and I felt badly about it. So, tomorrow when I get home from work I'll total up winners and post both those and banners in the evening hours. In the meantime, here's the new theme! :)

The number 99 corresponds once again to the year of a Star Wars film release - in this case, 1999's Episode I: The Phantom Menace. This is the film that got me into SW (I couldn't care less when I was shown the Original Trilogy, but from the very first PT movie, I was a fan!), so as you can imagine, I'm pretty excited about it. :D

Under the cut are 24 screencaps from TPM, spanning a variety of significant moments from the film, but as with our Original Trilogy challenges, please be assured that you need not stick only to these caps. If you want to icon another scene or character from The Phantom Menace, go for it! I've tried to provide as wide a variety of moments and people as I could, but there's always a chance I didn't include your favourite, so the choice is up to you. As usual there are some websites and resources linked at the bottom where you can get TPM caps to use in your icons. Be creative, and have fun! :)

+ You may submit up to four icons only.
+ You may use any pictures you wish for the icons, but those pictures must be from Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace ONLY.
+ Comment with both the icon and its URL.
+ The due date is Friday, October 23 at 10:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time.

Star Wars Destiny
Like Mother, Like Daughter (a Padmé and Leia fansite; link is to the Padmé/TPM section of the site)
The Padawan's Guide (Jedi) (link goes to the TPM section of the site focusing on Jedi costumes)
The Padawan's Guide (Padmé/Queen Amidala) (link goes to the TPM section of the site focusing on costumes worn by Padmé and Queen Amidala)


Got an idea for a theme you'd like to see on the community? Submit it to the suggestion box and it will be used in the weeks ahead.

subject: challenges

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