Jun 19, 2006 21:13
So hanging out with yourself isn't as bad as I thought! I'm actually having a great time. I'm doing things that I want to do and no one can hold me back...except the native american gangsters. **SCARY** But I have been having a blast. Talking to random people, riding the bus where ever I need to, and seeing different things around town. I probably know more about Albuquerque than Vegas...ok ok ok I've gone to far but really..it seems like there is more to do here. Since I am not really into clubing, casinos, or gambling..its fun walking around town.
What I have done thus far:
Saturday night went to downtown. They call this the weekend "hotspot". Basically where all the cool clubs and bars are. So their version of the strip. I took the bus there, I was a little nervous to be honest, but I needed to get out of my hotel room and see the town! So when I got there is was pretty dark so I walked fast and got to 6th and Central. Where is all happens! Bars on both sides of the streets, clubs everywhere...and the street was closed so people were everywhere. Now since I am by myself I don't want to go "up in the club" I want to chill at a bar, tavern...something! I walk up and down the street and finally make my decision. A tavern on the corner. Seems like a happening place nice people going in there..no ghetto people like all the clubs so I go in. So no hot guys, not that I am looking, but they are nice to look at haha. No seats by the bar all full..so I walk around. After waiting about 10 minutes I get a drink. I love to people watch! So I stand and watch people talking, their body language, and drunk girls dancing. I finally make my round and find a seat! Its by this guy who is in his mid 40's. Seems nice enough..plus I just wanna chill. So I sit down and he starts to chat. Tells me that there is a waiting list for the bar...which means it takes a LONG time to get a drink. After waititng we start to talk. He then gets the bartenders attention and buys me a drink, what a gentleman. We then start to talk about life. His name is Brian, he has been married twice, and is from Alaska. He is in town for a conference. He then continues to buy me drinks all night...SCORE! I ended up with a nice buzz and a good person to talk to. I even asked to see his id...I mean gotta know who I am talking to.
Sunday I have off, woohoo! I decided my adventure for the day was to go to Old Town. So many people helping me on the way. Mind you, they were males...and that is one good thing about being a female..they are willing to help. Especially since I seemed, and was, so lost haha. So they pointed me in the right direction and I found where I needed to go. Did you know that there are a lot of native american tribes in or near albuquerque? I didn't! and wow it was so neat seeing all the hand made jewlery, art, and pottery. So much history in this little part of town. I was talking to this older male probably in his 70's and he told me to go to a bunch of places. Where to see a 100 year old tree and where to find a church that is over 100 yrs. old! Still in the same place. I bought a lot of souveners here. I walked for a long time going from shop to shop. They have hot air balloon rides here! I sooo wanna go on one!! Its 150 per person and you ride for about 3 hours then you come down and have a brunch. One day I will have to do that. They look so fun and beautiful.
Monday went to work. After work went on a bus adventure. I had to cash my check and didn't know where to go. So I rode it until we passed a place that did it. Once I saw a place had to walk about 3 blocks to get to it again. Got my money and went to DIONS pizza for dinner. My friend Nicole told me about this place. She said they have the best pizza. And it was mmm mmm good. After I went to go catch the bus again back to my hotel. This is when I realized I was not in a good part of town at all. I was actually a little scared. but stood my ground and hoped that the bus would come soon. Took a seat on the bench and an older native american man sat down. For a good 5 minutes he sat there mumbling to himself before I realized he was talking to me. He then sat closer to me and was talking about life. I did feel a little safer having a man with me there at the bus stop and hoped that he would not harm me. eep. Then this older black male came and sat with us too. He was an odd guy he had a hude wooden cross around his neck. He then was also mubling about life. He was from Texas. Then came this HUGE Native American male and the guy who was already there start talking in I guess Native American. Using symbols and talking to eachother. Then all of a sudden these other two Native American males walk by and give dirty looks to the guys sitting with me. Then they really start using the symbols. They put a finger up to their mouth, then wave there hand infront of their body, and held up their fists like they were ready to fight. I then started to get REALLY nervous. I kept looking to see when the bus would come but no sign. Then I realized that they were really saying they did not want to fight. Told the black man to stop talking about it, that it was in the past. And they still kept doing the same hand motions..almost like they were pushing away the negative energy. Needless to say..it freaked me out and it was wierd. Definetly something I wouldn't learn other than being in the ghetto. The bus finally came, made it just in time to catch the other bus and made it home. Got some yummy satellite coffee on the way...mmm carmel dulce need more!!
I have tomarrow off and I plan on going to the botanical garden. Should be fun. If I'm up for it might go to the aquarium too!