Over on
Tumblr, I frequently post songs at the end of the week that lived on repeat. I tag this "Music Friday." With it being December, and me listening to pretty much nothing but Christmas music, I've started tagging them all "Christmas Edition." In the past here on LJ, you know I've done "25 Days of Christmas Music," but there isn't much participation in it (which is true for most of my blog posts these days, eh) and so I decided to skip it this year. But, since I'm still finding new Christmas tracks worth sharing, I figured I'd compile a small list here in case any of you are actually reading and looking for some new Christmas tunes. Ready? :)
This first track comes from what is easily my favorite Christmas album this year, "August Burns Red Presents: Sleddin' Hill, A Holiday Album." I am typically a fan of musicians taking a stab at a Christmas album anyway, but I'm even more delighted when it's a band I really like, putting out an unconventional Christmas album in a style of music I really love. This is totally the case with this album. Now I could really make a post strictly for this album because there are so many great tracks on it, but I won't. Just know that you should seriously consider checking out more than just this track.
August Burns Red - "Flurries"
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I'd never heard of this next band until I heard this song and while I've yet to hear anything else by them, I'm really looking forward to it. I don't even think I was much of a fan of this song prior to hearing their rendition of it, but there is just something so mellow and perfect about it and I can't stop listening to it. I'm especially fond of the turn it takes at 2:45 and how it sounds almost nothing in the end like it did when it began. Also, the piano is just... well I mean, come on, if you know me, you should already know I'm drawn to it because of the piano.
The Head and The Heart - "What Are You Doing New Years Eve?"
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I admit I've always really wanted to sing this song with someone, but I doubt that day will ever come. And so, I find enjoyment in other people singing it and what better than the likes of Mindy White (from States) and Anthony Green (from Circa Survive)? Mindy's voice, in particular is perfect for Christmassy tunes. She should totally put out a holiday album. Aside from their voices though, I really enjoy the dips in the music itself.
Mindy White & Anthony Green - "Baby, It's Cold Outside"
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This last song is just one of those feel good songs. The story in it's cute, the video for it's cute. It's sort of what I consider a typical, happy Christmas song. But I thoroughly enjoy typical where Christmas is concerned. I want songs to make me feel cheery, as I want anything that has to do with Christmas to make me feel.
Train - "Shake Up Christmas"
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I've got an enormous Christmas playlist, but I don't want this to get unbarably long. Perhaps I'll do another before the month's end if there's a demand for it. Do you have any newer Christmas song suggestions I might want to check out? I'd love to hear them if you do!
P.S. I really wanted to post the song I'm currently listening to in this batch too, because it's strings are ridiculously beautiful, but I wasn't able to find it in an embeddable way and so all I can do is link you to it. You should really click
HERE to listen to Punch Brother's version of "O Come, O Come Emmanuel."