Okay, I'm going to post a real comment soon, but first I must respond to this one!
If you're really stumped and want a second opinion on some chapters, I'd be happy to read them! Certain scenes are just too frustrating not to have a second opinion sometimes. (I know *I've* been tempted to share earlier chapters of FLG with you, but I hold back because I know how neurotic I get with my own writing. I don't want to send you anything until FLG is whole and relatively pretty, 'cause one tiny change in chapter 20 could dramatically alter chapter 3, and other craziness like that.) So, even though I probably wouldn't share anything early, I have no problems with being an early critiquer, if you're feeling more fearless than me. :P
Also, can I say how much I love the fact that you have an American Girl doll? They're awesome! (I have a Kirsten one, hee.) I must admit, though, my favorite doll company was the Magic Attic Club. (Which no longer exists...sigh.) They had a doll named Heather that, while looking nothing like me, shared so many of my other traits (drawing! pink love!) that I couldn't help but own her. (Look at me, I'm revealing too much online, too! Um...oops?)
LOL @ All the strange similarities between us girls (see Anne's comment below also referencing American Girl dolls - hehe). Never heard of Magic Attic Club, but I guess it's good they no longer exist or I might be trying to find a reason to buy myself another toy I don't need, but love (which is the case with all of the toys I already collect).
BTW - I didn't mean to call you out on this comment, but I know you frequently read all the comments too and it felt strange talking about you like you weren't here, ya know?
I am a huge chicken about sharing my book, but I will admit there have been several times where I've either wanted to share something with you simply because I loved it and wanted someone else to or because I was so stuck I felt stupid. Like I just wasn't seeing what would be so obvious to someone else, someone not me. Maybe we should finally swap emails? Oh wait, you already know mine... I just need yours. I do change things so much though, and like you said something changing in chapter 20 means something changing in chapter 3. I think it's why my Mom's getting so annoyed reading my stuff because I make her read everything and at this point (with all of the changes) she's seems lost sometimes.
Haha, don't worry. I didn't feel like I was being "called out." I was even tempted to respond to this comment before seeing that last paragraph. (Because dolls...they are awesome. I'm so embarrassingly close to my Inner Child. XD)
And I can totally relate to the Mom stuff. Mine would always get confused by what's-what after so many different versions of one manuscript. That, and we'd get on each other's nerves because she'd insist I include scenes that add NOTHING to the plot, all because she thought they'd be "fun." Ever since she admitted she hates FLG (couldn't get past two chapters--eep), it's just easier not giving her copies to read. She will read my books once their published, final, and pretty, though. XD
As for the emails...want me to send you a "test" email from the one I'll use for critiquing? (I'm assuming the email you want me to contact you with is the one you used for Beside The Norm...)
Yeah, you can use the email you already have for me. Aside from my work email it’s the only one I have. Does anyone else read your work at all? Even though my mom and I clash on my book at times I don’t know if I could cope if someone else wasn’t reading it while I write. I’ll try not to bug you with much until it’s actually finished. Like I said, sometimes I get so excited about a scene or chapter that I almost post the shit online just to have someone read it and then I’m like, WTF pull in the reigns… the world can’t know yet… nor do they probably want to. Then I sulk because cocky doesn’t look good on me. Blah.
Just emailed you! The subject title is very...random, haha. I have so many different email accounts it's not even funny. I blame a lot of it on school and the fact that certain emails like to turn sporadically evil on me. (Ymail has been pretty good to me, though, which is why I contacted you through there!)
I used to have a few high school friends who read my work (and were VERY helpful with their critiques), but I've lost contact with them during college. (Sigh.) As you can imagine, I flail a lot not knowing what truly sucks and what is simply all in my head. So glad to have finally found a critique partner! :D
And oh, I can so relate to the premature posting. There have been so many spoilery scenes I wanted to post online, and my brain's all, "No! No one will get it! And it's SPOILERY!!!" It's just so hard to contain that kind of excitement sometimes. (Yet some of it still manages to squeeze through, as you've probably noticed on my blog lately, haha.)
That's a shame you've lost touch with your high school buddies, but that happens (unfortunately). What's odd is that after a few more years they suddenly start showing back up in your life. Or at least that's how it was for me. I hadn't seen any of them in almost 10 years and suddenly last year they started showing up all over the place.
Despite your lack of reading friends, I'm glad I'm one now. I really can't wait to read even just a little bit of FLG. You've sold it so well I'm already feeling confident it will be hard to find issues with it.
Pfff @ your spoilery nature lately. I'd hardly call it spoilery. If anything it's just a frustrating tease. Just enough to get you interested, but not enough to fully let on to what's going on. They drive me crazy, while making me surprisingly pleased. You're good at stifling the spoilery nature of your book if you ask me. And even better at hooking people onto your story. :)
Aw, you're too nice! I'm pretty sure you'll find SOME issues with FLG, though, especially when it comes to the whodunit plot. (I'm doing my best to keep it from being too convoluted and confusing, but gosh, it's hard!)
If you're really stumped and want a second opinion on some chapters, I'd be happy to read them! Certain scenes are just too frustrating not to have a second opinion sometimes. (I know *I've* been tempted to share earlier chapters of FLG with you, but I hold back because I know how neurotic I get with my own writing. I don't want to send you anything until FLG is whole and relatively pretty, 'cause one tiny change in chapter 20 could dramatically alter chapter 3, and other craziness like that.) So, even though I probably wouldn't share anything early, I have no problems with being an early critiquer, if you're feeling more fearless than me. :P
Also, can I say how much I love the fact that you have an American Girl doll? They're awesome! (I have a Kirsten one, hee.) I must admit, though, my favorite doll company was the Magic Attic Club. (Which no longer exists...sigh.) They had a doll named Heather that, while looking nothing like me, shared so many of my other traits (drawing! pink love!) that I couldn't help but own her. (Look at me, I'm revealing too much online, too! Um...oops?)
BTW - I didn't mean to call you out on this comment, but I know you frequently read all the comments too and it felt strange talking about you like you weren't here, ya know?
I am a huge chicken about sharing my book, but I will admit there have been several times where I've either wanted to share something with you simply because I loved it and wanted someone else to or because I was so stuck I felt stupid. Like I just wasn't seeing what would be so obvious to someone else, someone not me. Maybe we should finally swap emails? Oh wait, you already know mine... I just need yours. I do change things so much though, and like you said something changing in chapter 20 means something changing in chapter 3. I think it's why my Mom's getting so annoyed reading my stuff because I make her read everything and at this point (with all of the changes) she's seems lost sometimes.
And I can totally relate to the Mom stuff. Mine would always get confused by what's-what after so many different versions of one manuscript. That, and we'd get on each other's nerves because she'd insist I include scenes that add NOTHING to the plot, all because she thought they'd be "fun." Ever since she admitted she hates FLG (couldn't get past two chapters--eep), it's just easier not giving her copies to read. She will read my books once their published, final, and pretty, though. XD
As for the emails...want me to send you a "test" email from the one I'll use for critiquing? (I'm assuming the email you want me to contact you with is the one you used for Beside The Norm...)
I used to have a few high school friends who read my work (and were VERY helpful with their critiques), but I've lost contact with them during college. (Sigh.) As you can imagine, I flail a lot not knowing what truly sucks and what is simply all in my head. So glad to have finally found a critique partner! :D
And oh, I can so relate to the premature posting. There have been so many spoilery scenes I wanted to post online, and my brain's all, "No! No one will get it! And it's SPOILERY!!!" It's just so hard to contain that kind of excitement sometimes. (Yet some of it still manages to squeeze through, as you've probably noticed on my blog lately, haha.)
That's a shame you've lost touch with your high school buddies, but that happens (unfortunately). What's odd is that after a few more years they suddenly start showing back up in your life. Or at least that's how it was for me. I hadn't seen any of them in almost 10 years and suddenly last year they started showing up all over the place.
Despite your lack of reading friends, I'm glad I'm one now. I really can't wait to read even just a little bit of FLG. You've sold it so well I'm already feeling confident it will be hard to find issues with it.
Pfff @ your spoilery nature lately. I'd hardly call it spoilery. If anything it's just a frustrating tease. Just enough to get you interested, but not enough to fully let on to what's going on. They drive me crazy, while making me surprisingly pleased. You're good at stifling the spoilery nature of your book if you ask me. And even better at hooking people onto your story. :)
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