Returning to work today was the pits. Returning after the weekend is always hard, but returning after a four day weekend is even harder. I keep telling myself, “It’s only a four day week, it’s only a four day week,” but it’s not helping my outlook about waking at six AM all week before the weekend is finally here again. So since today was so -eh- I will relish in the memories of the last two days, in which I did mostly nothing and loved every second of it.
Sunday, unlike most people, we did not go see fireworks. I can honestly say I can’t even remember the last time I did. We heard lots of noise, but nothing could be seen from our house. We did go to Rita’s for Mango Gelati’s since it’s been steadily in the 100's here and has no intention of cooling off anytime soon and we rented two movies (The Book of Eli & When in Rome), both of which were very good.
I also finally finished reading “Betwixt.” I liked the book a lot more the further I got into it, but it was slow for me (especially in the beginning) and the constant use of curse words seemed unnecessary and distracting. I expect a book to make me feel more intelligent by its end and I did not feel this way with this book at all. I did end up liking the characters more as their true colors started to show (well maybe not Morgan, she still seemed like a bitch even at the end to me), but I was NOT satisfied with the ending. In fact I can’t believe the book was allowed to end with such an “Oops sorry, there’s no real ending” kind of statement. I felt like I’d invested 500 pages for nothing. Now if there’s a sequel in the works I will be less mad about the ending, but still I closed the book feeling irritable.
Monday, I read… almost ALL day! I started the morning reading “The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner” which I finished in a couple of hours (it’s just fewer than 200 pages). As far as that book goes, well it just seemed unnecessary altogether. And if I were to write from a different characters perspective from the Twilight Series, it certainly wouldn’t have been her. Still it wasn’t a terrible read, just seemed pointless. I took a break to straighten up the house a bit and then I jumped into “Infinity: Chronicles of Nick.” I’m just going to say it now, it’s the best book I’ve read in a while and I hope I’m not jinxing myself too early by saying so. I’m 260 pages into already (there’s 500 pages total) and so far I’ve been introduced to gods, demons, vampires, zombies, and there’s even been mention of werewolves and this is all taking place in your average town in New Orleans. I love the clash of supernatural’s (my story does this too, although not the same mix ::wink wink::) And the story is oddly hilarious despite all these creepy creatures roaming around reeking havoc on New Orleans. Also, Nick, the 14 year old main character, has got one hell of a sense of humor. I’m already looking forward to reading more from this series! [NOTE to
edgyauthor: The entire time I’m reading this I’m thinking, Heather will love this!]
So that’s it, my four day weekend was marvelous and I miss it already, but I’m grateful to have had it regardless. Tune in tomorrow for my 7 on the 7th post where I shamefully admit how terrible I was at achieving my goals for the month.
Peace - Sarah