Nov 15, 2008 15:17
as you all know, there so often comes a time when i need to vent my frustrations on the world. No matter how close two people are, inevitably there are things that they dislike about one another.
as much as i care about any one of you, i'd be lying if i said there wasn't somehting you do that makes me want to punch you in the face. And if you said any differently about me, i'd take it as an insult, that you can't be honest with me. I know i have flaws, many of them. annoying habbits and traits. I try to fix them, but i can't fix what i don't know, and perhaps the most infuriating thing is that i believe most of you refuse to be honest. either with me or with yourself.
i have few friends here at scad, and lately i've been feeling that they're not the people i thought i was getting involved with.
that being said, may i bring things to your attention:
1. i don't like being touched. just don't. never have. however i do tolerate it. constant shoulder touches and whatnot are simple expressions of many people's friendly personality.
2. i don't like touching other people. not that i find them disgusting or anything, i just live by the "keep your hands to yourself" rule. being around people who constantly make contact with others, like any real trait, begins to catch on wether i like it or not. I find it interesting, however, that the same people who incessantly place their hands on me recoil with some sort of........dislike.
3. Hypocracy is the one thing i hate most of all. I understand that even i myself can be guilty of sch a thing, but don't think for a moment that i let myself off the hook. I hate myself every time i find myself contradicting what i say or do.
4. be FUCKING honest with me. I know you all, and i'm guilty of the same thing...adressing an issue when a person is gone. I woyuld much preffer that you simply express a problem to my face. I may even be angry for a short while, but within minmutes you'll most likely be given a full pardon. When i hear a complaint from a third party however....i tend to hold a grudge.
5. I notice many of you seen like you don't know me at all. I've been accused of not being able to admit when i'm wrong. well, here's the thing, when i'm wrong i simply reply "no, shut up, you're wrong. go die" or something along those lines. a silly little habbit i picked up form the very person who first accused me of an inability to admit defeat. this is a friend of over 6 years. SIX YEARS!!! I make a friend here, and within a week they understand that although i on't say it, i do admit defeat. i know i'm wrong, they know i'm wrong. It really dissappoints me that a friend that close knows so little of my ways.
6. Those of you who pride yourself on your "maturity"........bullshit. you're the most childish people i've met. don't try to act like your so grown up and classy. you're 21, you're a kid, have a fucking childhood and dick around a bit.
now, anything else i would have to say is personal to each of you and i'd rather leave my public comments to issues involving at least 2 or more people. if the need arises, i WILL be bringing any problems to your attention in the future. In the future if you think it's mean that i'm honest, then consider these:
why do i feel that way?
how are you portraying yourself?
are you upset because it's true?
are you upset because you think it's untrue?
why would i think it's true?
are you angry simply because i'm "being a meanie to you"?
you may find that being angry about it, rather than taking it like an adult, and thinking it over only illustrates that MATURITY thing i talked about.
NOW........... i know some of you are probably itching to take a stab at me, and like i said, i'd like to hear it myself. so, go on, don't hold back and give it to me. and be honest. I'll be isulted if you're like "i don't think you're annoying" because it's bullshit. i find myself anoying. hop to it