(no subject)

Sep 27, 2007 16:58

yep. that being said, i am sad. don't know why. no reason to be. in fact life's great. the only downside to it all? i got B's on my collages. but we all know, i don't give a rat's ass about my grades as long as it's enough to keep me in school.

so, what is it? don't know. i'm just...sad. possibbly that depression i've been suspicious of having? i don't know. i've felt, uneasy to say the least for the past year. ever since i....took care of a problem of mine. but i guess you trade one problem for another. but this one i can manage.

well, aside form that "i'm gonna cry" feeling i have pretty much constantly now. and i don't mean, i'm sad, uncontrollable tears and all. i mean, i stop, and think "what the hell? am i gonna cry? why?"

so yeh. i'll get back to you all on that.
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