Aug 24, 2007 13:52
well, time's are strange. not really. astin came cack from pastaland with gifts for all. i got this stylish new italian leather wrist dealy. sadly, my real gift was raped by customs. a bottle of absynth. :( frowny face
so yesterday, the plan was, ride bike to alyssa's house. simple enough. even with the heat, i'd make the 5 mile trip in about 45 minutes to an hour.
well, wrong. my bike, or should i say, god, hates me. about a 1/4 mile from my house i get a sudden flat. well, i'm pissed, i just put brand new tubes on that thing. guarantee'd never to go flat from puncture. well, i happened to be AT the gas station when it happened, so i get air. my bike is fine. so leak. just a strange and sudden flat. wierd. so i go through largo central, a nice, shady, breezy place. then i go through the back roads. not like, gravel and such, just the hidden, nobody knows about it set of roads that lead to ulmerton. well, i get to the 2, maybe 2 1/2 mile marker of my trip when i THINK my back tire has gone flat. no, i was just in sand for a second so i fishtailed a bit. i stop. then, i watch in horror, as before my eyes, my front tire slowly expands and explodes. oh happy day!
so i'm walking my bike along, sun beating down, conveniently in the shadeless portion of my journey. this proved tiresome. VERY much so. a flat front tire and no sidewalks equals no fun. remembering how my bike is very light, at least compared to my school backpack lol, i hoist that bastard onto my shoulder and walk the last 2 miles or so to alyssa's.
now, just before i get to tiff's house, on the way, obvously, tiff calls me. tells me she's at alyssa's and they make fun of me for taking so long. now, i'll let you know, i left my house at 11. i should have been there at 11:45. it was now 12:30. i figure can make it on my own. i was DETERMINED! never give up, never surrender!! so we hang up. i should have asked her to come retrieve me. :(
so we hang up. My ipod decides this is a great time to be funny. so, it begins playing the familiar Kill Bill tune, "battle without honor or humanity"
the irony was not lost on me
so, i get to whatever that road is for the starky entrance to tiff's house and i run out of water. precious, life-giving water. by the time i get to alyssa's house, heat stroke was begining to set in. this is something i'm familiar with. being a boy scout, and an idiot, i've been here a few times. thankfully, the last color you see before going COMPLETELY blind is red. so i found my way to the stop sign and the big red house on the corner, turned and called tiff, a convenient flip open, push call button maneuver on my phone and told them it would be a good idea to come grab me off the street, as i was now, blind. they came out, and laughed at me for having a broken bike, but that's cool, because i was all hopefull and such. and hope gives you vision again. just like red bull gives you wings. so i get there, drop my bike, and drink much, much water, and rested for a while.
the rest of the day was simple. hung out with alyssa, watched evolution, went to crack barrel to get her paycheck and see tiff. hung out a while longer. then tiff and vanessa came by, we went to bee's and then back to tiff's. interesting magazine moments then insued. i went home. i slept. very well.