TITLE: Not So Complicated
AUTHOR: Shane Vansen
CATEGORY: Sheppard/Weir fluff, mild smut, mild humour
SPOILERS: none, but sort of a post-S5 AU
RATING: R (non-graphic sexual situations)
LENGTH: ~1500 words
SUMMARY: "Shouldn't be so complicated/ Just touch me and then/ Just touch me again" -- Bent, Matchbox20
DISCLAIMER: it's probably best that they're not mine; I'd screw it up. Then again, at least we'd still have Elizabeth.
AUTHOR'S NOTES: This is based on
peanutbutterer's other prompt for the
swficathon: snark, jealous John, and gift giving. I didn't feel it was substantial enough to warrant being my entry for her, but hey, why waste an idea?
Many thanks to
vicki_james98 for betaing, and to
grav_ity, and
trialia for offering to help with the title. Honestly, I think it took longer to decide on that than to write the fic itself.
Atlantis stuff -- you understand