"Five Secrets That Were Kept By the Leaders of the Atlantis Expedition"

Dec 18, 2006 20:10

TITLE: Five Secrets That Were Kept By the Leaders of the Atlantis Expedition
AUTHOR: daygloparker
FANDOM: Stargate: Atlantis
SPOILERS: "Before I Sleep," "The Intruder," and "The Long Goodbye"
SUMMARY: A little something for everyone: the burden of command, time travel, a post-ep... not to mention, some futurefic and, of course, a slight case of an apocafic.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Written for duskwings in anr's 2nd annual swficathon. The requests were five secrets and time as a recurring theme. I'm 99% sure I covered at least one in each piece. taylorkate rocks the beta, because she lives in the future.

"Oh, wonderful! The last I saw of you, you were a corpse floating in a jumper at the bottom of the ocean, so this is definitely a step up for you."

2006, stories

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