Title: To This Moment
brookeormianRating: PG
Spoilers: None really, but definitely not past S2
Category: Romance, bit of Fluff
Request: "I want to see Sheppard and Weir back on Earth, going on a "conventional" date."
Summary: "She knew people questioned it and she knew it wasn’t subtle but it was all too easy to ignore the whispers and forget that they shouldn’t be letting it go this far."
Disclaimer: Don't own the characters or the show, just admiring from afar!
Notes: Written for
venom69 I hope this is what you were looking for! The whole thing kind of ran away from me at one point, but I hope I fulfilled the request somewhat :)
Beta-d by the wonderful
elven_sg1, thank you!
Also, it should be said that I haven't read Atlantis fiction for a loooong time. So any similarities to other fics that may crop up without my knowledge are entirely coincidental and I hope I haven't written something that has been done to death!
To my journal! )