Rattlesnake Smile ~ David/Chris

Mar 18, 2008 12:53

Rattlesnake Smile

by Snow

for killerweasel's b~day and the slashthedrabble 'forgive' challenge.

they're not mine
500 words
more than a passing nod to knotted_rose's Sugarverse.

Chris wondered when they had become acquaintances. )

david/chris, rps, ficlet

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Comments 35

killerweasel March 18 2008, 18:24:37 UTC
This was great.

Really liked it. :D


sweptawaybayou March 18 2008, 19:25:59 UTC

i'm so glad you liked this. thank you so much for sending me the song. again.


*twirls you*


hurry_sundown March 18 2008, 19:04:15 UTC
It kind of worries me that I have a kink for your DB/CK, considering how fucked up they are. It worries me not at all that I have a kink for your writing in general.



sweptawaybayou March 18 2008, 19:27:09 UTC
hee! yes. they are, aren't they? my own dysfunctional bois that live in my head.


Thank you for reading, babe.



spikendru March 19 2008, 00:14:57 UTC
May I second that? I totally agree with Sundown - your DB/CK just hits all my kinks! I love how needy, yet resistive, they both are. They can't stay away from each other, yet neither one wants to be seen as the one who gave in first. So, instead of having all evening to be together, Dave will put off going and Chris will sit there getting more and more pissed, and when David finally shows up, they have about a half hour of hot, sweaty time together before he starts feeling guilty and has to go, and that makes Chris even more pissed off and he swears he'll never go through this again, but the next time he gets a chance, he always does.

*whew* That came out really long winded, didn't it?

In any event, thank you for this. I just love your fucked up bois!


sweptawaybayou March 19 2008, 00:25:52 UTC

*squishes you tight*

lovely, lovely comment. Thank you. That is *them* to a T. hee! you make me want to write more of teh!bois.

Thank you!


poisontaster March 18 2008, 19:05:41 UTC
This is what I love most about how you write them; their utter inability to live without each other, to completely disengage. When the relationship is as mixed with hate, with resentment of the other person for having this POWER over them, as it is with love. Yess... *purrs*


sweptawaybayou March 18 2008, 19:28:42 UTC
yiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis. so very fucked up. and try as i might, i can't seem to let them alone. they keep sneaking up on me at the most inopportune moments.


thank you muchly.



setje March 18 2008, 19:32:18 UTC
is in a very happy place now .. *purrrrsssssmilespurrrssss*

they are so 'not' over !


sweptawaybayou March 18 2008, 19:35:22 UTC

*squishes you tight*

oh no, never over. never never. ever.




technosage March 18 2008, 20:45:29 UTC
I do so love the fucked-up codependence of how you write them. They hurt each other and can't stop, but they can't stop loving/having/needing either. It's gorgeous.


sweptawaybayou March 18 2008, 23:05:03 UTC
thank you! and they are, aren't they? so fucked. in so many ways.


glad you liked it.


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