Watch Over You ~ Angel/Spike

Mar 03, 2008 16:02

Watch Over You

By Snow
Not Mine
inspired by the History Channel's documentary ~ 'Life After People'
beta by lady_t_220
thanks forever to tabaqui and lostakasha

And when I'm gone
Who will break your fall?
Who will you blame?

It had been fifty years since the alley behind the Hyperion. )

angel/spike, fic, ats

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lostakasha March 3 2008, 22:52:24 UTC
This is shockingly lovely. Not shocking in the sense that you wrote something lush and textured and dripping with decay and sadness, but shocking because it is so different for a post-nfa fic.

I was immediately taken by the image of Angel underwater, hopeful at last, and such a painful (and totally brilliant) juxtaposition of his hallucinations when he was trapped under the ocean. He's still trapped, and Connor still holds the key. Such a compelling image of Angel and his loneliness. Gah!

...the environment holds sway over the walking dead... is a stunning descriptor of this amazing post-apocalyptic world you've given us. Your phrasing is so musical, almost non-verbal (if that makes sense), like notes on a score. Especially these kinds of mirrored words:


Spike is so bitterly hilarious here, and it's heartbreaking that Angel hopes to see savagery in his eyes but only sees his reflection -- that just about broke me.

While the sex was very nice, it was secondary to everything else for me -- it was almost like a respite from the 'jungle fever' of the rest of the piece.

Spike played his body like a violin. Like an argument and a fight and so much like a poem.

That one line gave me everything I want out of A/S sex scenes -- the intimacy, the agelessness, the root of them -- so beautifully phrased.

I could write reams and reams of meta on this -- I am totally blown away by your vision, by the imagery, and by the complexity of the world you've made.


Thank you.


sweptawaybayou March 4 2008, 12:21:04 UTC

Thank you.



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