Drabble Request ~ Booth

Mar 21, 2007 21:17

Craving for Salt

for tabaqui
Seeley Booth and a Latino-heavy neighborhood *because the boys are so, so pretty* and a wall with a virgin Mary painted on it and maybe flowers or offerings left underneath...
400 words
Not Mine

Lust is the craving for salt of a person who is dying of thirst ~ Frederick Buechner, Wishful Thinking, 1973

Seeley walked through them until he found the one who didn't look away. )

booth, drabbles, bones, ficlet

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hurry_sundown March 22 2007, 12:29:27 UTC
*breathes out* I had to go back and look at the word count again, 'cause Damn, there's no way she did all that in 400 words.

This is the detail that crawled under my skin: Booth leaned in. Something he did ten times a day, taking away another's personal space. It doesn't say much, and at the same time it says a hell of a lot.


grimma March 22 2007, 19:50:38 UTC
Ha!!! Here you are :p


hurry_sundown March 22 2007, 23:57:28 UTC
Were you looking for me? I can frequently be found here, or over at tesla321's place.


grimma March 25 2007, 21:47:22 UTC
I wasn't looking for you :D You just happened to be there, commenting on a Bones "homoerotic" fic :p


sweptawaybayou March 22 2007, 21:28:33 UTC

*spins you*

Thank you so much, babe. Your reading and commenting always makes my day. Seriously.

Thank you.

*luffs hard*


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