Aestus ~ Buffy/Angel

Nov 17, 2006 14:43


by Snow

for chrisleeoctave’s ‘I Will Remember You’ fic marathon

Not mine. Never will be.
Beta by lostakasha

Summary ~ What if Wolfram and Hart had brought back Buffy instead of Darla?

Every cold night ( Read more... )

angel/buffy, fic, ats

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Comments 21

trishabooms November 17 2006, 21:05:58 UTC
Darkly beautiful, I liked it very much.


sweptawaybayou November 17 2006, 23:53:47 UTC
Thank you!

I'm so happy you enjoyed this fic. I've had some misgivings about it, so I appreciate the comment more than you know.



denied_heaven November 17 2006, 21:25:08 UTC
damn. That's just.. chilling and agonizing and so rawly beautiful
*holds chest*


sweptawaybayou November 18 2006, 00:00:28 UTC
Thank you so much!




tinpanalley November 17 2006, 21:29:20 UTC

*breathes* Whoa...that was gorgeous. Dark and rich. Sharp and painful. And, beautiful. Wow...


sweptawaybayou November 18 2006, 00:02:16 UTC
Thank you so very much! Your fb is coveted and drooled over, since I stalk admire you as I do.

Thank you for reading and commenting.

**twirls you**


tabaqui November 17 2006, 21:33:12 UTC
Ahhhhhhh, you faked us out, didn't you?
Was waiting for the vamp!Buffy or maybe dead!Buffy...

Drugged and lost in his dreams and Buffy not quite what she should be and...
There was no innocence to be lost here.

*pets them*


sweptawaybayou November 18 2006, 00:04:03 UTC
Hee! Yes. I was trying for, and prolly failing miserably, the beautiful way you write. The way you can spin me *one* way and then come right up with something different.

Don't mind if I sneak inside your brain, do you? I wanna know how it works!


Thank you for reading and commenting and supporting. Always.



tabaqui November 18 2006, 00:44:36 UTC
*smooshes you*
Thank you, bay-bee.

And no no! You did good. Goooooooood.


lostakasha November 17 2006, 22:15:11 UTC
...he simply sat in his chair and let the agony compete with the hunger for his attention

Essential Angel. Nobody does it like you. Just gorgeous. And for the record: Buffy-in-a-box is just so much more intriguing than Darla, especially in your hands.

:::worships you shamelessly:::


sweptawaybayou November 18 2006, 00:06:02 UTC
You are too kind.

Thank you for holding my hand while I wrote this. Your support and friendship and luff is more than I deserve. But I'm not giving it back!

Mine! Mine!


**dances with you**


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