Without Sound ~ Spike/Lindsey/Angel

Sep 18, 2006 17:58

Without Sound
by Snow
tabaqui asked for 5 times Spike and Lindsey made Angel scream.
Five 100 word drabbles.
Ats 5
Not mine.

... is there anyone out there, cause it's getting harder and harder to breathe ...

Without Sound )

angel/spike, angel/spike/lindsey, spike/lindsey, ficlet, drabble, ats

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Comments 30

nyghtpet September 18 2006, 23:36:47 UTC
Oh, heaven.
Those were brilliant! *loves on #3*
You write with such art and color, girl. LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!
*melts to goo*


sweptawaybayou September 19 2006, 02:18:15 UTC
Thank you so very much!

I'm blushing!

*smooches you all up*



chlare September 19 2006, 00:03:13 UTC
Jesus. Umm, hot. *takes a deep breath*

Now they weren’t alone and Angel wouldn’t beg with Lindsey in the room.

Spike’s laughter echoed. Angel’s spine bowed and his cock was hard. His eyes black with lust, his lips pulled away from teeth that sharpened and dulled and sharpened again.

Awesome. Hot, of course, but the struggle... so very...them. :)

Angel’s fingers bent steel safety rails.

And we have a winner folks. God, making Angel lose control, now that's hot. And those two are certainly the ones to do it. Excellent. All of 'em.


sweptawaybayou September 19 2006, 02:17:17 UTC
Thank you!!

*grabs you and kisses*

I've been intrigued by your posting about your RPGs and tagging. Someday, perhaps, we could play together?


Thank you so much.


chlare September 19 2006, 03:55:13 UTC
You're very welcome, as always.

*g* That could probably be arranged...when I stop being ridiculously flattered. :) Anything you had in mind?

*grins at your icon* It says 'hella cool'! Oh, how that amuses me. *g*


lostakasha September 19 2006, 00:19:33 UTC
Don't know where to begin, or what to say. Every one ripped my heart out. So painful... real and raw, especially this:

The apocalypse was coming, Angel didn’t have time for family. Didn’t have time to rest. Didn’t have time for what he wanted. Didn’t have strength left to scream.

and this:

They never touched. They kept Angel between them.

Angel didn’t question it.

Those lines broke me. Left me breathless and crippled and it hurts so damn good. My god, burning down the house while they're still in it, indeed.

Thank you. A thousand times over.


sweptawaybayou September 19 2006, 02:15:51 UTC

I'm so glad that you liked these, babe. You inspire me and you encourage me and you make me so very happy just remembering your smile.



(The comment has been removed)

sweptawaybayou September 19 2006, 02:14:16 UTC
*twirls you 'round*

Thank you!

Your comment made my day.



tabaqui September 19 2006, 00:51:46 UTC
Number four - *sob*!!
Well, and five, too. Cut his little heart right out!!

Then, of course...1,2,3...
*diez ded*
They never touched. They kept Angel between them.
Um, yis, hot but.....more heart!killing!prose!!

You are evol, even when you're being *sexy*. Writing sexy. *You* know what i mean.
*smoooooooooooooches you*
Thank you bay-bee. You're the best.


sweptawaybayou September 19 2006, 02:13:09 UTC
*luffs you hard*

Thank you for the wonderful prompts. Two more to go!

and, yeah, all the others.


Keeps my fingers busy, you know. Idle hands and all.

*la la*

**squishes you tight**


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