My horoscope for Monday, January 30th.

Jan 31, 2006 06:56

(three stars) Expenses could be awesome. Be careful. You might want to dote on a loved one. Try to keep the costs down, okay? Postpone a discussion until later this afternoon, when you feel better and under control.

I want to extend an apology to anyone and everyone that I insulted and/or hurt their feelings yesterday. I don't usually lose my temper, but yesterday? I guess I did. No. I absolutely did, and I'm sorry.

I thought that by asking a direct question of someone, that I could solve a problem that has been around for, fuck, almost a year. But I was wrong. I should have gone through proper channels. I should have talked to more people before acting. I should not have let a build of anger and frustration get the better of me.

I apologize and I will try to not let it happen again.

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