
Sep 23, 2012 21:00

Been so out of touch with Arashi latest news.... that everytime I read something new I will just go "huh?". I didn't know anything about
  • the Arashi Festival (what's the right name for this thing?)
  • the album that is complied together by fans votes
  • that the Arashi Festival concert was this weekend?
  • their new album
  • and their new concert (again??? their concert never seems to stop?)
Also, I'm quite behind with downloading their subbed videos mainly because many aren't using MF anymore... The new site that many are using is terrible...... =.=

I can't find the mood/desire to read concert reports too.

I don't even know where to backtrack to catch up. I'm just riding the waves out of nowhere. Guess this happens because I'm too occupied with kpop, heh.

Oh well, for now, I just downloaded the compilation album. I shall go and hear their secret talk now.!


Been finding good Arashi tumblrs (since I spent most of my time there) for quite a while and I think I found 2 good ones yesterday as I tried finding the Arashi secret talk to listen to!

Also saw the 11 mins? long news coverage video of Arafes! (Yes, got the right name of the concert) Arafes looked so so fun! 70,000 fans and 270,000 voted. WOAH. Face Down was actually the #1 song for the 'Singles' and overall categories! I like that song but I still love Truth~ Glad that its #3 in the 'Singles' category!

All the results here:  http://aramatheydidnt.livejournal.com/4123822.html

They were also back dancers for one another. Buhahaha. How cute. There's Ohmiya SK too!!!

Ohya, so Jun has named Arashi fans - ARASHISUTO/Arashist (English) hur. Though Arashian sounds better. 

news, concert, kpop has really taken over my life, album, arashi

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