
Dec 11, 2008 02:19

Sorry, no translations today. Just a bit of an update as to what I'm doing right now.

I promised to post the remaining chapter from Pati Pati two weeks ago, and it is finished, but I'm sorry I haven't had time to edit/look at it again since. I'm actually doing the translation for Asakura's Report for EnY website and since this one is more urgent, I decided to drop the other one for the time being. ^^;

Well, why urgent? Because the concert is starting this Sunday! But not only that, EnY is also planning something for Jan/Feb that involves the Asakura Report, so I gotta finish that as soon as I can or we will never be able to announce it. XD We won't wait for all 4 chapters to be posted online and translated before we announce it, but as soon as the first two are ready, we'll make the post. :D The first chapter is currently being edited by my very trusty partner, Gekka_no_neko, and I have also finished the second chapter so we'll post those up soon on EnY~~! I will probably do another post then, coz I REALLY want to discuss the story! *itching to do so* XDD I was blown away by the depth of it and the amount of background research done!! Impressive indeed~ Though it was a b**** to translate. XDD I think there is no more need to say anything else here, since he has been cursed sufficiently by all the others fans who have translated this Report. XD XD

Once I finish these Reports, I promise I'll go over the Pati Pati translation and put them up. (If nothing else comes up to distract me >.>;) Some people have asked me if I'm doing the other articles, and er, the answer is no. ^^; I've read half of the Arena (Special) article, but it contains pretty much the same information as Pati Pati, so I won't translate that. I will probably do the minor sections like the PV interview and whatnots tho. :D Haven't read Fool's Mate yet, but most likely it will have the same contents too. I have not read the Arena Jan issue that was released today, so I don't know what the contents are, but I think I will do that instead... Even Arena won't have him on the cover twice in a row and interview him on the same topics. >.> I'll pop by the bookstore and see if it's worth translating. ^^ I'm sort of eyeing those tv shows that he's been on recently as well, but I don't know if anybody else has attempted to translate them.

That's it for my translation schedule (lol) for now. Ambitious, I r!! If there's any specific article you want me to translate, leave a word and I'll see if I can do it. :D

Concerts. It seems like there's gonna be a lot of foreigners going to his concerts this year! I'm going to quite a few as well, so give me a poke if you are going to any and let's see if we can meet up! ^^ I will post the concert reports on EnY as well, so keep a lookout for those~ (always looking for opportunities to pimp our website XD XD) Oh, and we accept other concert reports/reviews as well, so if you want to contribute yours to our website, email us. :D For those who are going to Misato this Sunday, have fun!!
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