Oh geez, I should just do this already before I forget again. >.>
I've read the articles in the May and June issue of Arena 37. They only had one or two pages of Gackt in each issue, so I don't intend to buy them. ^^;; But here are a few things I remember from the articles.
They talked about the graduation ceremony in Maiko High School here. It's pretty much the same as the one Oricon Style wrote (translation
here) previously, except there were a few more details. *whips out notebook* (Yes, I had to take notes XD;;)
- Apparently, Gackt pretended to reject the student at first. He wrote an email to him saying, "I'm sorry, it's 99.9% impossible." Cheeky, I say. XD XD
- He actually went to Kobe on 27th Feb, one day before the graduation ceremony, to rehearse. He arrived at night, went straight to the school for rehearsal and appeared on the ceremony on the 28th. Of course, none of the students knew about this.
- During/After the rehearsal, the teachers objected to him performing on the ceremony. It seems like, graduation being the last day, they didn't want the attention and memory of the day to be taken by Gackt. But the teachers who agreed (Fans, I'm telling you!! XD) managed to persuade the others. If I remember correctly, it was a marginal win too. ^^;;
- When Gackt went up the stage, he actually said this, "涼、約束を守ったからな!" (See, Ryou, I kept my promise!), which I personally thought was the one of the coolest things he has ever said.
They talked about the drama that he is going to be in next year. In this one, nobody knew that Gackt was going to be in it either, not even the press. ^^ They didn't write the names on the tables, and the names of the actors were revealed only after the press conference has started. Gackt was the last one to be called up the stage and there was an instant uproar. x3
If anyone intends to buy the magazines and does not mind scanning them from me, I don't mind translating the full article for you guys. :3 Just that I've spoiled all the good parts already. XD XD