BACKSTAGE Blog Entries Oct 24-27

Oct 27, 2005 23:42

I was away for a few days and couldn't post one of the entries, so I joined two entries together for this. Sorry for the slight delay. @@;

1. Please DO NOT take my translations or publish them elsewhere without my permission. Please kindly link back if you want, but DO NOT copy and paste them.
2. Please COMMENT if you read it.
3. Do feel free to email me at

October 24, 2005
Additional (information) of the Yamaguchi performance

This photo is of the audiences’ seats as seen from the stage in Yamaguchi Civic Hall.
This is what it looks like to Gackt and the members up on the stage.
All the people who came to Yamaguchi, did you manage to have a good time?

Posted by Tour Staff: 02:27 PM
Translated by Sweiled


This was posted one day after the previous one, the one with the road sign. Hence, the post title.

Comment: It looks huge. And so distant and far away. Yet... cosy in a way? Maybe because the hall is still considered small.

October 27, 2005
What are these?

Can you tell?
It’s actually the interior of the truck used for the tour.
This photo of the truck was taken when the first was opened and the last closed.
This is how we transport the various equipments used for the stage.

Posted by Tour Staff: 01:18 PM
Translated by Sweiled

Comment: *blink blink* 0.o" I can't see what those are. They look like some... life vests to me. @@;;;; *has poor eyesight* And is that his photo/posters on the wall behind!?

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