My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat Haulsweetz121 goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as Jim Creeggan.
ashley704 gives you 19 white licorice-flavoured gumdrops.
bkbreakfast13 gives you 6 green coffee-flavoured pieces of bubblegum.
bwahahahahaha tricks you! You lose 17 pieces of candy!
denajane gives you 7 light blue lemon-flavoured jelly beans.
digitalkeaki gives you 4 yellow watermelon-flavoured gummies.
freckles86 gives you 2 dark blue licorice-flavoured gummies.
icesk8ncutie04 gives you 7 mauve vanilla-flavoured gummy fruits.
nachos1215 gives you 8 mauve vanilla-flavoured wafers.
testing_my_will gives you 3 red-orange peach-flavoured gummy bats.
upinmytree gives you 6 teal peach-flavoured gummy bears.sweetz121 ends up with 45 pieces of candy.Another fun meme brought to you by
-the Meggie