(no subject)

Mar 05, 2006 19:23

I think I completely forgot that I was going to write "reviews" (See a few posts below).

I was struggeling to come up with a good plot for a creative writing assignment for english. So naturally I came up with a cynical outlook on the average Newton student's life. It is all complete sarcasm, which I love about it. It's a bit to "out there" for my style though, so I am a bit nervous about it. If you are reading this right now and are overcome with want to read/hear it (0- 1000000 odds?), call me and I will be more than happy to share.

----As I was writing this, a really sketchy guy called, speaking in Russian, asking for my mother or father (and MISERABLY mispronouncing their names...not something common among Russians). When I said they're not home, he asked my name and how old I am. I said my name, but asked why he's asking my age. He said because if I'm 18, I can answer for them [my parents]. I said no, I'm not 18 (cause i'm not), and he said he'd call back later. Aaaaaaaah, it was so sketchy.---

At this point in time, I'm stressed out about a few things:
  • Dancing- seriously, when am I not stressed out about dancing? I'm having issues with costumes (mainly that I will not be able to get one done by next weekend's competition), and practice hours (we missed a whole week because of canceled lessons)
  • School- I'm applying for AP Bio. Nuff said.
  • Math- I've been getting B's on tests, and I started out getting A's. I've always thought of math as the subject by which to judge my intellect so....clearly I'm not feeling too intellectually sound right now.
  • Programming- To be completely honest, it's getting boring, and yet I still must do it.
  • Driving- Actually, I'm not stressed out about this one. And I'm getting better at driving up hills.

    Now the good things about my life
  • This wednesday is premier of America's Next Top Model/ finale of Project Runway
  • This English assignment is actually fun.
  • I can drive, I can drive, I can drive. And my left turns are getting a lot better.
  • I'm doing well with my SAT English tutor
  • Two words: Denebola Website.
  • The photo asignment is portraiture. Slice of heaven
  • I've gotten my shit together schoolwise. So daddy did mean the best when he put parental controls on my internet.
  • I have free blocks! No more bullshit. Two slices of heaven.
  • My goods outnumber my bads =)
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