Yes, like the title says, Roy Mustang was the king of karaoke today (03/29) and I tried to record every bit of it!
Staff having fun:
More con vids from today:
I was in the karaoke room from 12:50pm til 8:50pm!!!!! Didn't walk around or take as much pics as I did yesterday but I came baring HILARIOUS videos! Hope that makes up for my lack of pics. I saw a lot of people cosplaying but not as much as yesterday, and the ones I saw today were of the same characters and I already took pictures of those characers yesterday so I didn't.
Now on to the photos:
It's almost 4am and haven't slept yet. I'm drained and can't keep my eyes open. Please tell me if there are broken links. I kept checkin my vids and my comp won't show them but its the right links and they do work. Hope you all enjoy~ nighty night