It's snowing...

Mar 02, 2006 11:04

and we are expected to have a bit of a storm today.

In other news:

So, Bush was warned about Katrina and there is video to prove it.   That just makes me furious.  *Shakes head in utter disgust*

Ann Coulter is still the biggest cunt and here are her Oscar picks.

My cousin is going to be on Jeopardy on Monday!  Info here.

Oprah is having Oscar shows today and tomorrow, with Jon Stewart, and clips from her previous interviews with Heath/Jake, George Clooney, Reese/Joaquin, etc.  And tomorrow some more Oscar stuff and Monday will be the Oscar after show when she interviews the winners.

Btw, a while ago I mentioned that they were filming The Good Shepard in my 'hood.  Backstory here.  Well, I meant to update with the 411.  I did go to check out the filming.  They had a set up with authentic 1950's cars lined up on the street and lots of crew people, but I didn't see any of the cast.  I waited around for a bit but it was freezing and nothing was happening so I left.   Damn, no Angie, Damon or Bobby D sightings.  *pouts*
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