Go after what you want

Feb 12, 2009 05:29

this is my first fanfic so be kind with please

well in this story lexie listened to mark and told georges how she felt about it. he decide to give it a try. and well other things. you know i suck at summaries. just let me know what you think. and ideas and critics are welcome


Mark and Derek were in the cafeteria talking about their latest surgery, when O'Malley came in and sat with his fellows resident. Mark was eyeing him.
"What the hell does she see in this guy???!!!???" asked Mark although he didn't want it to come ou that loud.
"Who are you talking about??'' replied derek while looking around the cafeteria
"Look at him he's like a hobbit, you know he failed his intern exam and he's an idiot and yet women still find that dwarf attractive for God's sake."
"ohh you mean O'Malley. wowwww Torres wants him AGAIN. i would've never thought that she would want him again especially after the past year she's been through because of him. Good for her. Well i don't know how she's gonna back to him especially now that he's taken"
"What are you out of your damn mind??? Torres is no longer interested in this idiot. Her taste has improved you know and she's onto something else"
"ok Mark i get it it's hard for you to lose Torres over Georges. if you want you can have my shoulder to cry over" replied a funny Derek
''Derek you really want me to use a scalpel on your face?? besides i'm telling you man it's not Torres who's interested in that Dwarf. "
"so who is it ??" Derek was dying to know
As Derek was waiting for Mark to respond, Lexie Grey came in and sat next to Georges and gave him a kiss on the lips. As Mark was watching, it pained him to see Lexie this happy with O'malley, laughing, joking around. Derek followed Mark's eyes and understood right there that his best friend wanted Lexie.
"OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!''
exclaimed derek
" what man?? what got into you" replied Mark
''Oh my goodness you have a crush on Lexie Grey."
"do not"
"do too"
"do not"
"do too"
"ok SHUT UP Derek. you know for a world renowned brain surgeon, you can be pretty damn stupid" smirked Mark
" at least i got the girl i wanted" smirked back Drek
"Again shut up Derek Christopher Sheperd"
" And you Mark William Sloan renowned plastic surgeon and womanizer have a crush on a intern. Man i would never thought i would see that day coming."
" you know what Derek i think you are losing your mind. you know as a brain surgeon it's not good for the business man. Maybe you should do a check up or something or you can go to the psych floor i'm sure there is plenty of room for you" smirked a laughing Mark and his eyes fell again onto to Lexie. She was laughing at something O'malley said. Damnit she has a beautiful smile. mark thought.
"right very funny man but like i said i have my girl right there in my bed every single night" derek said
"Go to hell Derek!!!''
" omg you're really onto her i mean you are really onto her" noticed the neurosurgeon
"...." mark stayed quiet a few minutes
"you know what just try to be her friends. stay around. you know O'malley has a tendency to screw every relationship that he had. so you'll be there for her."
" so basically you're telling me that i stay around just for that idiot to do one single mistake. and then i'll woo lexie and we will be together?????"
replied a skeptical mark.
"you're a pathetic hopeless man  and i'm a lesser man for knowing you"
"that's my line. you can't use my line "
"again shut up derek"
"ok but..." as derek was speaking his and mark's pager went off
" well mark jokes aside you either tell her that what you feel or you get over it and start dating other women. i'm serious man"
But the major problem is that mark doesn't know how to express his feelings and how to get over it. he needs to decide: either let her walk away with that dwarf of try to win her over
well he knows exactly what he's gonna do but for now on he gotta save lives
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