Hey there. Please welcome to my journal.
As you can see from the title this is a friends only journal. I will write posts in english and maybe in spanish.
If you are looking for my graphics, they are here
homelessandlost Some things about me
My name is Andrea. 14. student. from spain. I use to be a funny good person with my good friends, buy when I go mad I can be a sarcastic bitch and you will want to kill me
Anyway, I don't think that will happen, because most of the time I try to control myself because if I don't, I hurt people, a lot, and that's NOT what I want. I'm telling the truth, I don't want to make people think that I'm the sweetest girl ever and blablabla.
That's who I am.
Currently: adding. ♥
It doesn't matter if we don't know each other, we can be friends! If you don't comment here, i'll not add you. And if yout want to be added, drop me a comment!