Jan 16, 2007 02:09
So, everyone keeps saying that I have changed that I have become less optimistic that I must be seeing what the real world is like and therefore have lost all of my happiness-Its not even that I am depressed its just that I view the world a little differently now. Wow, today I was thinking about it and I knew before that the world wasn’t really that great I knew that things were bad-but yet I was still very much happy and very optimistic-I had a clean mouth and a good attitude-what changed?? Then it hit me-I lost God-no He didn’t lose me, but I did lose sight of Him and that’s kinda scary. I have made myself a promise-church will begin back this Sunday so if anyone wants to join me that would be fantastic-if not I will be going by myself and that will be fine as well. I don’t really know where to go so someone, anyone point me in the right direction-I prefer Baptist but at this point in time it does not really matter-as long as it’s a church.