Oct 07, 2004 19:47
I hav a HUMONGUS crush on sum1 i will give him a nickname cuz wen i talk about him i dont want 2 hav to say "My crush" so now he will b known as...Bob...lol...Well "Bob" is sooooo cute... n just 2 let u no "Bob" is NOT Josh ( 4 those of you with sick minds...) "Bob" will remane anonamis cuz sum of u i dont wanna tell cuz sum of you will tell him *cauf* brooke *cauf* lol...i havnt told u guys but i got a detention from Ms. Picky...( for the slow ppl or the ppl who just dont no who she is shes Ms. Davis :( )for 4getting my agenda book...its gunna b hard to pick a mood cuz rite now i dunno if im in luv with Bob or if im mad at Ms.Davis... y cant we pick 2 moods... well ttyl! AIM me!!!