(no subject)

Apr 03, 2005 03:10

x\\ Spell your name backwards: assilem
x\\ Have you ever had a song written about you: Um...I don't really know...
x\\ What song makes you cry: Have you ever - Brandi ... The Dance - Garth Brooks... I can't choose which one makes me cry more...
x\\ What song makes you happy: 1985 - Bowling For Soup ... Great Milenko -ICP
x\\ What's your all time fav. song: I like Boogie Woogie Woo By ICP...but my top fav song would probably be Songs about me - Trace Adkins
x\\ What do you listen to before you go to sleep: quite...or tv...depending on which house I'm at.
x\\ Height: 5'13
x\\ Hair color: Light Brown/Blonde
x\\ Piercings: ears n belly button
x\\ Tattoos: none..

Right Now . . .
x\\ What color pants are you wearing: Pink PJ's
x\\ What song are you listening to: The Tv
x\\ What taste is in your mouth?: Taco Bell
x\\ Whats the weather like?: Warm...but not hot
x\\ How are you?: alright...I miss him...
x\\ Get motion sickness?: nope
x\\ Have a bad habit?: Oh yeah...putting off my math homework until the very last second..Then I fail half of it..
x\\ Get along with your parents?: Meh...
x\\ Boyfriend/girlfriend: YEP!
x\\ Have a current crush: *HIM* HEHE...I love you!
x\\ Have a big regret: Yes and No...i regreat it, but like, i wouldn't change it because it happened for a reason and everything is ok now - but other then that...i don't think you should live your life regreating everything you've done because then you can't ever be happy. You have to think "whats past is past..." and move on.

Favorite . . .
x\\ Tv show: Gilmore girls
x\\ Conditioner: Um...Pantine ProV - Silk treatment... (that part doesn't always show thou!! haha)
x\\ Book: Um...Probably Romeo and Juliet...most thought it sucked, but I loved it.
x\\ Non alchohol drink: Water
x\\ Alchohol drink: Duno...never tried it...but in all honesty...i would..probably if the cercemstances we're right.
x\\ Things to do on the weekend: Listen to music and hang out with Jerry...:)

Have You Ever . . .
x\\ Broken the law: Yes....
x\\ Ran away from home: I never went though with it...
x\\ Snuck out of the house: once, but only out to my back yard...haha
x\\ Ever gone skinny dipping: In my bath tub - of course..lol
x\\ Made a prank phone call: yes
x\\ Tipped over a portapotty: Me...haha -- right, i can hardly lift a 10lb weight!
x\\ Use your parents credit card: yes
x\\ Skipped school before: yes -- not by my choice tho...i waas little...
x\\ Fell asleep in the shower/bath: no
x\\ Been in a school play: almost..
x\\ Had a boyfriend/girlfriend: yes
x\\ Had children: Nope...unless of course...i was in labor and have no memory of it...
x\\ Been in love: I think so...
x\\ Have a hard time getting over someone: yes
x\\ Been hurt?: yes
x\\ Gone out with someone you only knew for 3 days: I knew him...but only online...that was a mistake...don't do it.

Random . . .
x\\ Have a job: Want one - mr. father says no thou
x\\ Your cd player has what in it right now: ICP
x\\ If you were a crayon, what color would you be?: Um...light blue...or maybe a pretty color like pink...i dno
x\\ What makes you happy?: Jerry
x\\ The next CD you're going to buy: I havn't bought a CD in - months...and i probably wont for a long time.
The Last Time . . .
x\\ You got a real letter & from who: Oh gosh...um...2 summers ago from Sammie Jo.
x\\ Got an email & form who: My grandpa telling me that I'm fat and worthless...
x\\ Thing you purchased & for who: McChicken and Fry from McDonalds...ME!
x\\ Tv program you watched: An infomercial.
x\\ Movie you saw in the theaters: The Ring Two
x\\ Hugged & who: Jerry
x\\ Song heard & who by: "I'll be there for you" on the commerical for the movie "A lot Like love"
x\\ Place you were: Billy's
x\\ Phone call & who: Jerry and about 2 hrs ago.
x\\ You were depressed: My dad says i am now..but i don't think so
x\\ You were in the hospital: Um...when my mom had her female parts removed...i picked her up...does that count? Otherwise...when i had segury to get my wisdom teeth removed.

So yeah, now that I filled that out, i'm still REALLY bored, but alright...night.
<3 - me! Dur
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