Apr 29, 2015 23:31
I found out that on Monday my dad had a mini stroke. How did I find out? After my dad himself posted on his Facebook about it today! No one on my dads side, siblings, aunt, grandmother, no one bothered to inform me. Me, being the oldest sibling, child. Fucking bullshit. And they wonder why I moved away the first chance I got. I was/still am upset. My dad hasnt been the greatest to me in my life, but he is a good man. He had cancer that took away half of his face, he has two types of cancer now, he is an EMT who works 90+ hour weeks. He busts his ass and he does it because he loves it, he loves his job.
I know that in his profession he knows everyone and vice versa, so him being stuck at the hospital, he is being very well taken care of. They are spoiling him and making sure he is getting the best of everything. For that I am grateful and when I talked to him earlier I asked him to tell everyone for me thank you. Thank you for taking extra special care of my dad.
He hasnt even seen 50 yet. He will be 50 in September. Him and my mother are both young. My mother had just turned 18 in February of 1984 and had me in March.
I asked him to take it easy and to relax as long as he is able to. All the coffee and cigarettes he consumes doesnt help, but I cant tell him what to do. If those are his only vices and make him happy then he deserves to do as he wishes. I love you dad. Please take care of yourself. Let others help you for once and take care of you. Chill out, cook some food, like me I know that that is something you enjoy doing. We need you. I know most of the other kids just take take take, but Krystal and I (your youngest and oldest) love you and ask nothing of you but to take care of yourself. Go visit pop pop in Virginia (or is it West Virginia?) And do some fishing or camping. Please? For me?
Okay, enough crying, I just cant stand my siblings and how they and my dumb step mother drain him of his life and money.
On another note, Im really digging the lightness of the 100% sunflower oil I picked up at Marshalls yesterday. It felt great using just it on my face as a moisturizer and I put some in the roots and ends of my hair. $5 is what it cost me for an ounce of it and on ebay its almost $20. I love Marshalls. Its one of my biggest addictions. I have to not think of it months at a time or Id spend my whole bank account there in one shopping trip.
My newest obsession is natural oils, moisturizers and soaps. Everytime I go there I buy out all their natural hemp soaps and Dr. Bronner soaps. They are cheaper there then on Ebay or Amazon.
Okay, time to get some reading and relaxing done before settling down to sleep. Gnight everyone.