Mar 16, 2005 21:02
Hey ya'll. Fiirst off iide liike to giive a huge THANKS to KATHLEEN for makiing me thiis lovely journal. ii heart iit wiith passiion hehe! Neways so today ii diiidnt go to school cuz my siister has been really siick and she wanted me to stay home and keep her me beiing the wonderful siister ii am ii diid,so ii couldnt stay after school to meet jennas new boyfriiend =(..oh well ii'll just have to waiit tiill friiday . Hmm newayys ii just got done watchiing the note book <33 ahh thats the best effiing moviie ever!!! haha and now iim gonna go watch ameriican iidol. iim really feeliing Carriie Underwood thiis year for the giirliies..& for the guys iim gonna have to say Constiintiine cuz he's my ROCKER <33 =). Hmm okiie ii sopose ii wiill go now,ii'll wriite some more tomorrow,Love you all ;; Ashley <3