May 25, 2005 21:09
ok so right now is the only time i can update so i had a wonderful weekend and a great day, actually week! so most of you know what crazy conversation i had on mon. night with a friend if you dont know about it then ask its a wonderful but terrible conversation all at the same time oh well you all have to hear my answering messages that Ryan and his friends left me yesterday, all in the middle of cody texting me and our fight about who works out more who do you think won ya that would be me if anyone wants to have that argueement with me ill bet you i will win. so today cody took some medice for his sinesses (sorry about that spelling) and after he read the box and it said the symptoms were drozziness and he kept falling asleep in our classes so i kept waking him up cuz he asked me to and so in a 10 minute period he fell asleep 6 times i thought it was funny cuz that would be something i would do. so last weekend i had a 13.5 mile race we got 1st and did the 13.5 miles in 1 hour 44 minutes and 59 seconds, holy crap i saw Danny Chan at the race holy shit hes soo hot! then sunday we had practice i was happy for tony because he got to paddle for the first time sence the accident we had huli practice and thats all we did i learned this new thingy were you turn the front of the canoe and you look like a frog it was the best and i know candace you are going to tell me do lj cut because i type to much but i cant help it i have to much to say ok so today we had practice and a newspaper reporter came out and interview my crew we might be in tues. star i cant wait im gonna use that as my current event in history ok im done