Nov 05, 2003 16:12
S0, i really don't have much to say because nothing has been going on really. Yesterday - school sucked... nothing new. Went to Catherine's and slept over, and that's about it. I seriously hate EVERY0NE @ school though. Like i hate the feeling of not having friends i can trust, feeling that people are always going to tell other people, and friends just getting on my nerves alot - and they do. because they all gossip S0 much, clique into little pairs or groups, and are just so two faced and annoying and right now i can't even stand it. Like my only friends in school that i trust are Catherine and Meggie - that's it. and that's S0 sad. there's way too much drama and it all just needs to end. ANYWAY. i worked monday night, and i'm working tonight, tomorrow, and friday night. Saturday - no clue. Possibly hanging out with Sam during the day. Movies Saturday night with either just Catherine or me Catherine and a bunch of people. I invited Meggie today and Shannon.. i have to invite some more people who aren't bothering me. ACTUALLY my friends aren't really bothering me.. just my like "in-school friends" and everyone else @ school ya know? long story, don't want to explain. And Sunday - studying for exams. :ugh: i hate school. So yeah, that's it. I'll update later this week.