Carolyn and I went to the Harry Potter party on Friday night at midnight. Oh yes. We had fun. There were about 40000 gajillion people
I would also appreciate people dropping hints about what happens in the book because some slow readers, aka me, have not finished just yet and do not like to know that somethign happens on page 596 or that someone dies. No one tell me anything else or let anything accidentally slip. I shall hurt you.
Anna has somehow rubbed off her crappy mood on to me. J/k. I have that strange disease such as her's to where i am sad and mad for no reason at all. I do not like having this disease, but somehow I have contracted it. Oh, and there is going to be an official mental breakdown at the end of the summer. People keep asking me am I ready to go to college. Hell no. I'm not. I want to stay right here right now, is that such a bad answer. I've starting answering no too, and people look at me like i'm some kind of idiot, but it's the truth. So deal.
I'm hanging out w/Rachel tomorrow, and that makes me happy.