So in addition to the wing!fic, I wrote two more comment fics for the
be_compromised mini-promptathon.
ain't nothing but a hound dog
rating: g
characters: Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff, Steve Rogers
warnings: none
author's note: Written for the prompt "Clint and Natasha ask one or more of the Avengers to babysit so they can go out for a romantic Valentine's dinner."
summary: Lapa is sick. Clint and Natasha have a dinner reservation. And Steve? Well, it looks like he finally a date for Valentine's Day.
"So she shouldn't need more than water tonight, and here's her favorite stuffed animal in case she wants to snuggle with something. if Frost had only dreamed of us
rating: pg
characters: Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff
warnings: references to violent pasts
author's note i: Written for the prompt of "Natasha knows all about seduction, how to woo men and make them do what they want. But she doesn't know how to go about getting just a hug or some cuddle time."
author's note ii: Inspired by watching the Olympic pair figure skating. 'Frost' refers to Robert Frost, famous for (among others) his poem 'Fire and Ice'.
summary: The shadows of her homeland are long and cold and empty. You know she has no words to ask for warmth; you know she's never needed them.
You think, there is ice in her heart. .