twining and vining

Jun 04, 2013 09:19

Little pieces I had stashed around my documents folder; I figured I might as well put them up!

put me down
rating: PG-13
characters: Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff
warnings: Violence, foreshadowing of death

summary: I need you like a bullet to the head, she says

I need you like a bullet to the head, she says
and he understands
the mad dog, the rabid dog
fighting and biting to its last foam-choked breath
she needs him like a finale, like an ending
like some peace in her war-torn journey
but for tonight he gives her silence and kisses
warm and intoxicating and trailing down her neck
tomorrow he gives her strength and an anchor
a home to come back to
a place to belong to
and one day he'll give her that rest

shadows and games
rating: PG
characters: Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff

summary: Cloak and dagger-style; a three sentence fic.

It's nothing personal, she said, eyes dark with calculations.

He surveys the warehouse, then touches a fingertip to the concrete beside a corpse he's pretty sure he wasn't supposed to come back to find.

At the taste of corn syrup, his sharp grin widens; the chase is on.

clint x natasha, drabble, natasha romanoff, avengers, clint barton

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