Gleeful With A Dash of Schadenfreude

Nov 08, 2012 09:34

The election has been over for nearly two days, but I still feel gleeful on the outcome and the increased turned out. I also feel a certain amount of schadenfreude. With all the dark money spent in Super PACs and Sheldon Adelson's millions, the conservatives couldn't buy the elections and no one that Adelson supported won a seat. That's right. The guy who gave upward to $100 million (we don't know the full amount because some groups don't have disclose their donors) got 0 out of 9 candidates that he endorse elected.

Billionaire Adelson isn't too worry about any of the money he spent not yielding results. He's said it was simply:

“Paying bills,” Mr. Adelson said on Tuesday night when asked by a Norwegian reporter how he thought his donations had been spent. “That’s how you spend money. Either that or become a Jewish husband - you spend a lot of money.”

That's good to know.

democracy, politics, election

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